International Mother Language Day 2023: Theme, History and Significance

Last Update: February 20, 2023, 23:02 IST

The establishment of International Mother Language Day is a step towards showing dedication for the development of mother tongue in daily communication.  (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

The establishment of International Mother Language Day is a step towards showing dedication for the development of mother tongue in daily communication. (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

UNESCO has designated the International Mother Language Day of 2023 to focus on the theme “Multilingual education – the need to transform education”.

International Mother Language Day 2023: February 21 is observed as International Mother Language Day to encourage linguistic and cultural richness as well as multilingualism. With an emphasis on leaving no one behind, the day acknowledges how language and multilingualism can achieve inclusiveness and goals for long-term sustainability. Individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of language in development, preserving cultural diversity and intercultural interaction, as well as enhancing cooperation and achieving quality education for all.

The day is celebrated worldwide and was designated by UNESCO in 1999. On this day, UNESCO organizes a number of activities to promote the adoption of multiple languages ​​and the preservation of native language proficiency.

International Mother Language Day 2023: History and Significance

As India became independent from the British in 1947, the Indian subcontinent was divided into two separate states: an independent India as a Hindu state and a separate Muslim state (East Pakistan and West Pakistan). Thereafter, there was a linguistic and cultural war between East Pakistan, currently known as Bangladesh, and West Pakistan, currently known as Pakistan. Tension escalated after the government of Pakistan declared Urdu as its official language in 1948. In East Pakistan, where Bengali is the dominant language, the government’s move led to several violent riots.

On February 21, 1952, some students and several activists of the University of Dhaka organized a protest, in which four university students were killed when the police opened fire on the crowd.

On World Mother Language Day, the martyrdom of these students who fought for the recognition of Bengali as their mother tongue is remembered.

The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) approved Bangladesh’s proposal to mark International Mother Language Day in 1999, and since then it has been honored globally.

Concern over the global extinction of languages ​​was also expressed by UNESCO. Therefore, it was decided to mark this day as a commitment to recognize the value of mother tongue, especially in elementary education. The establishment of International Mother Language Day is a step towards showing dedication for the development of mother tongue in daily communication.

International Mother Language Day 2023: Theme

UNESCO has designated the International Mother Language Day of 2023 to focus on the theme “Multilingual education – the need to transform education”. For population groups that speak non-dominant languages, languages ​​of minority groups, and indigenous languages, mother tongue-based multilingual education simplifies the process of access to and inclusion in education.

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