India voted against the UNSC climate draft. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: India on Monday voted against United Nations Security Council Draft proposal which attempted to “securitize” climate action And undermine hard-won consent agreements in Glasgow, the government said. While China refrained, the resolution – which sought to add Climate change With threats to international security and backing from the US, Britain and France – it was vetoed by Russia.
According to a report, 113 of the 193 member states of the United Nations supported the resolution, the first of its kind. It included 12 of the 15 members of the council.
Explaining the move, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations TS Tirumurti Said that India is second to none when it comes to climate action and climate justice, but UNSC is not the place to discuss any issue. “Indeed, the attempt to do so appears to be driven by a desire to avoid responsibility in the appropriate forum and reluctantly divert the attention of the world to where it matters,” Tirumurti said.
The Indian envoy said that the resolution sent a wrong message to developing countries that “instead of addressing those concerns and holding the developed countries accountable for fulfilling their commitments under the UNFCCC, we continue to divide and separate under the guise of security.” are ready for”.
Reaffirming India’s commitment to fight climate change, Tirumurti said that India will always support genuine climate action and serious climate justice, “We will always speak up for the interests of the developing world, including Africa and the Sahel region. And we will do it in the right place, UNFCCC,” he said.
He also said that developed countries should provide $1 trillion of climate finance as soon as possible, adding that it is essential that climate finance is tracked with the same diligence as climate mitigation. “Developed countries have fallen far short of their promises,” he said.
