India slammed Pakistan for raising the Kashmir issue in the United Nations, calling it the world’s biggest destabilizing force. India News – Times of India

United Nations: Coming down heavily on Pakistan for re-raising the Kashmir issue in the United Nations, India has said that constructive contribution cannot be expected from a country which has an established practice of hosting terrorists and It is the “epicentre” of global terrorism, and the world’s biggest destabilizing force.
Adviser in the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, a Amarnath, said on Monday that India does not require advice from a nation with a proven track record of illegal exports of nuclear materials and technology.
“Pakistan’s desperate attempts to promote lies and abuse the sanctity of multilateral fora deserve our collective contempt,” he said.
“Pakistan has made several baseless and baseless allegations against India, including in relation to the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. These do not deserve a response, as they pertain to the internal affairs of India,” Amarnath said.
India exercised its right of reply after Pakistan’s envoy to the United Nations, Munir Akram, raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir during the first meeting of the General Assembly on Disarmament and International Security Issues.
Amarnath reiterated that the entire Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir was, is and will remain an integral and indivisible part of India.
“This includes those areas which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan. We call on Pakistan to immediately vacate all areas under its illegal occupation,” he said on the right of the North.
Amarnath said, “Given its established state practice of hosting, aiding and actively supporting terrorists, how can one expect any constructive contribution from Pakistan, which pertains to important matters of international peace and security ”
Also referring to India’s defense arsenal by the Pakistani envoy, New Delhi hit back by saying that “as a responsible state, India strictly adheres to its obligations under international treaties and does not seek any advice from any such country”. which has a proven track record of illegal export of nuclear materials and technology.”
“India’s security concerns are not confined to one region and, therefore, India has always approached these issues in a global context,” he said.
He said that contrary to India’s constructive approach on matters of disarmament, Pakistan has only been “disruptive”.
Amarnath said it is now 25 years when the world is paying the price of Pakistan’s obstructionist strategy in the CD (Convention on Disarmament), which has not allowed the adoption of the convention. work schedule.
Pakistan has the dubious distinction of single-handedly blocking negotiations on the Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT), including in 2009, when the Conference on Disarmament adopted a consensus program of action, he said.
“Having joined the consensus on the work programme, Pakistan soon revealed its true character by taking a complete U-turn and withholding any work by CD,” Amarnath said.
Amarnath said that as the epicenter of global terrorism, Pakistan is the biggest destabilizing force in the world and has repeatedly indulged in cross-border terrorism.
“They have no respect for the principles of the United Nations. While the Permanent Representative of Pakistan here talks about peace and security, their Prime Minister glorifies global terrorists like Osama bin Ladini What better proof of the blatant duality of this country’s reputation as ‘martyrs’?” He asked.
Amarnath stressed that the First Committee of the General Assembly is “not a forum” to address bilateral or regional issues as it has a broader agenda of tackling global issues related to disarmament and international security.
“We would like to reiterate that regional security issues have no place in the view of the First Committee,” he said.
He said that the committee should not only categorically reject Pakistan’s “nefarious and vicious designs”, but also collectively for the repeated attempts by Pakistan to politicize its work and hijack its mandate. should be condemned.
Amarnath said in the right of reply that India does not want anything new from Pakistan which has a “deep sense of insecurity and well-planned hatred” for India and “which stands for our secular credentials and the values ​​of my country”.
“However, despite its hopeless efforts, the world has been able to see through its deceit and duplicity. It is time to hold Pakistan accountable and not allow them to misuse UN forums to spread propaganda, hate and incite violence. needed.
Amarnath said Pakistan’s baseless allegations against India “are indeed prosperous, coming from a nation that is encouraging communal violence against Muslims and oppressing the rights of minorities.”
“Following its past practice and compulsive obsession with India, Pakistan can exercise its right of reply and continue its malicious false propaganda against my country. But I will refrain from answering it out of respect for the work of the first committee,” he said.
