If JEE Advanced can be held in October, why not NEET 2021, ask students

after the announcement of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2021 Exam Date , which is to be held on 3rd October, desirous of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2021 has raised the question as to why the medical entrance examination cannot be held in October. NEET 2021 is scheduled to be held on September 12 in pen and paper mode.

As lakhs of students are heading towards the examination centres, they are demanding postponement of NEET 2021 fearing the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, since the IIT entrance exam – JEE Advanced may be conducted in October, why can’t NEET be postponed for the same month, question students.

They have taken to the social media platform, Twitter, to put forth their demands with the hashtag #JeeadvinOCT_WhatnotNEET. Several social media trends were already trending including #PostponeNEETUGtillOctober and #PostponeNEETUGSeptToOctober. Candidates have pointed out that since the exam will be conducted once, all the students will have to appear in one go, putting lakhs of lives at risk amid the pandemic.

When IIT Advance paper can be held in October then why not NEET in October?#savestudentlife #postponeNEETUGOctober #PostponeNEETUGSeptToOctober @swami39 @FcSonuSood @goelgauravbjp @neuroayush @dpradhanbjp @DrRPNishank @aajtak @years @myogioffice @PMOIndia @DG_NTA pic.twitter.com/NLC9VxAl2P

— Anil kumar singh (@Anilchau0408) 26 July 2021

Students have also pointed out that with the new exam pattern, they will need extra time to study for the medical exam. Moreover, the number of questions to be attempted is high and they will get only one chance to appear in the exam to crack JEE Main in a year.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has also come out in support of the candidates for the medical examination. He had said that the government is not paying attention to the demands of the students. He had said that this is “not the time for PM’s #Mann ki Baat, in this difficult time we have to listen #Students’ Mann ki Baat.”

As per the new exam pattern, the exam will have two sections in each subject – Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany in MCQ format. The syllabus will be from class 12 level.

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