How To Improve Your Posture With Yogasanas: 5 Key Asanas to Correct Poor Posture

Back pain and other common spinal problems can easily be caused by poor posture. Himalaya Siddha Akshar, Founder, Akshar Yoga Institute, Himalaya Yoga Ashram, World Yoga Organization, says that to correct this, one should start monitoring one’s posture. “The most important thing is to keep your spine straight. The tension of your muscles and ligaments will be evenly distributed and balanced as a result. The first step to ensuring that your body maintains proper alignment is to release tension ” Yoga experts say.

What are the causes of hunchback?

Himalayan Siddha Akshar says poor posture can be brought on while on the job, such as spending 8 to 10 hours in front of a laptop. Besides, it leads you to a less active lifestyle, which makes you gain weight, he says. “Maintaining a healthy posture can be more difficult if you are overweight. Using yoga poses, you can easily lose excess weight, become lighter and improve your posture. Additionally, Being physically fit throughout the day keeps you active and energetic.” ” he adds.

The following yoga poses will help you to open up the body and bring flexibility in the spine. Devote at least 15-30 minutes every day to exercise for better posture and a healthier spine.

yoga asanas for better posture

1. Samasthi / Tadasana

Stand straight and tall with your toes and heels together. Engage your abdominal muscles and keep both shoulders relaxed. Stay in this position for 5-8 breaths and stop. Focus on balancing your body weight equally on both feet. This asana can help a lot in keeping your posture tall and strong.

Benefits: Improves both posture and coordination, and strengthens the legs, back, arms, and shoulders.


2. Paschimottanasana – Forward Bend Sitting

Begin by walking your feet forward; Make sure that your knees are slightly bent while your legs are extended forward. Extend your arms overhead and keep your spine straight. Exhale and bend forward at the hip, keeping your upper body over your lower body. Try to grasp your big toe with your fingers, if there is no part that is accessible.

Benefits: It calms the mind and also aids in the process of digestion. tones the muscles of the overall body; Strengthens core muscles.


3. Padahastasana – Hand to Foot Pose

Starting in Samasthithi, slowly exhale and bend your upper body down from the hips. Stretch your arms down with your palms or fingers and bring your nose to your knees. The palms can be placed on either side of the feet. Get comfortable with bending your knees in the beginning. With increased practice, you should try to straighten your knees and bring your chest to your thighs.

Benefits: Balances your body especially with the shoulder, neck, back, lumbar, knee, heel, cervical and lumbar regions.

In fact

4. Chakrasana – Wheel Pose

This is a backbend so make sure you warm up properly. Begin on your back, as you bend your legs so that you place your feet firmly on the mat. Fold your arms at the shoulders and place your palms on the floor below your ears. Now take a breath in and at the same time lift your body up. Keep your neck relaxed and allow your head to tilt back.

Benefits: Helps to expand the lungs to take in more oxygen which is especially beneficial for people with asthma. Helps in reducing stress and tension in the body.


Dhanurasana – Bow Pose

lie down on your stomach; Bend your knees and keep them parallel distance apart. Now hold your ankles with your palms and use a firm grip. Raise your legs and arms as high as possible. Look up and hold the posture for some time.

Benefits: Dhanurasana pose is a great yoga pose that stretches and stimulates almost all the important types of muscles in the body such as arms, shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, core (abs), hamstrings, chest, hips, knees and neck.


Yoga gives your body proper alignment, improves balance and increases strength, stamina and flexibility. Himalaya Siddha says, “Yoga is the study and application of posture alignment for overall health. Regular yoga practice can go a long way in correcting any posture imbalances you may have. Yoga promotes total wellness for body, mind, and spirit.” promotes.” Letter.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are from the expert. Zee News does not endorse it. Always check with a medical expert before starting a new exercise program.)