‘Hindu religious scriptures are porn texts, offer no moral teaching’: Bangladeshi opposition leader stokes row

New Delhi: Amid increasing attacks on minorities living in Bangladesh, Tariq Rahman, a top opposition leader and joint convenor of the Gono Authority Council, has stirred a new controversy by saying that “Hindu religious texts are just obscene texts”. According to international media reports, Tariq Rehman openly attacked Hindu minorities and also said that Hindu religious texts do not give any moral teachings.

Tariq Rehman said in a Facebook Live, “The texts of Hinduism do not give any moral teachings – all religious texts are obscene scripts.” This video has gone viral on social media and many people are also sharing it.

His controversial statement comes in the wake of increasing attacks on Hindus and their religious places in Bangladesh.

Interestingly, Rahma is also known to be a close aide of opposition leader Nurul Haq Noor, who is seeking to oust the current Sheikh Hasina-led government in Bangladesh in the 2024 general elections.

The Gono Adhikar Parishad, which was launched in October 2021, has a large number of Bangladeshi youth and social activists as its leaders. The group also reportedly has heavy support from terrorist organization Jamaat-e-Islami.

It may be recalled that national elections are due in Bangladesh early next year and fundamentalists backed by Jamaat-e-Islami and Bangladesh Nationalist Party have started targeting minorities, especially Hindus, living in the country Apart from this, a defamation campaign has also been started. Sheikh Hasina Govt.