High Blood Sugar: How Diabetes Can Affect Eyes, Expert Explains

Due to excessive stress and lack of work-life balance, high blood sugar or diabetes has now become a lifestyle disease. Diabetes not only affects blood sugar levels but can have a significant impact on eye health. Diabetes can also increase the risk of other eye problems, including cataracts and glaucoma. Early detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma can help stop or slow their progression and preserve vision.

The high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can damage the blood vessels in the retina, leading to a condition called diabetic retinopathy. This can cause changes in vision and in severe cases can lead to blindness. Therefore, people with diabetes should have regular eye exams to monitor any changes in their vision or eye health.

It is also important for people with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels through healthy eating, exercise, and medication as prescribed by their healthcare provider.

Dr. Mandeep Singh Basu, CEO, Jagat Pharma and Director, Dr. Basu Eye Hospital, explains how diabetes can affect vision, what warning signs to look out for, and precautionary measures to take.

Also Read: High Blood Sugar: How Stress Can Affect Diabetes, Explains Experts

High blood sugar: what does diabetes have to do with eye health?

Dr. Mandeep shared that the eye is one of the most important senses, and maintaining proper functioning of the eyes is important for general health and well-being. Prameha, or diabetes, is one of the eight primary diseases according to the ancient Ayurvedic scripture Charaka Samhita. In Ayurveda, diabetic retinopathy is known as prameha/diabetic temir and is characterized by an imbalance of the blood, seven tissues, the three ‘doshas’ (vata, pitta and kapha) and rakta dosha (blood).

The four visions of the eyes are affected by the condition at different stages. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes. ‘Pitta’ and ‘Rakta’ dosha imbalances, which tend to concentrate in the eye and induce microangiopathy, haemorrhage and venous beading, may be the cause of diabetic retinopathy.

Are vision problems permanent for diabetics?

“If diabetic retinopathy is not treated or progresses to later stages, the accumulation of ‘ama’ can cause vision problems for diabetics, resulting in permanent damage to the eyes. This can lead to retinal detachment , optic nerve damage, vitreous hemorrhage, and other conditions that can permanently damage the eyes and vision. It is important to have medical help to maintain healthy vision,” Dr. Basu said.

How does diabetes cause blurred vision?

Dr. Basu shares that diabetes can cause leaky blood vessels in the macula, the area of ​​the retina where sharp, accurate vision is generated. As a result of enlargement and hemorrhage of the macula, vision may become distorted or blurred.

Diabetes and Eye Health: Warning Signs to Watch for

Dr. Basu claims that diabetic retinopathy can cause a variety of symptoms, including blurred or distorted vision, floaters in the eye, and rapid changes in vision due to vitreous hemorrhage in more advanced stages of the disease. Early diagnosis and treatment of the disease can help preserve vision and avoid permanent damage.

High Blood Sugar: Precautionary Measures Diabetics Should Take To Maintain Eye Health

Certain lifestyle changes and Ayurvedic practices can help a diabetic person maintain eye health. Dr. Basu recommends the following:

1) Diabetics should get their eyes checked at regular intervals and keep their blood sugar levels under control. “Controlling blood glucose levels is important in preventing the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy,” Dr Basu said.

2) Ayurvedic research suggests that a diet high in antioxidants and low in glycemic index may help prevent the onset and progression of diabetic retinopathy.

3) Maintaining a routine that includes regular exercise and stress-reducing exercises such as yoga and meditation will enhance blood sugar regulation and prevent ama build-up.

4) Ayurvedic practices including netra tarpana, shirodhara, shirovasti, abhyanga, tratak meditation, nasya and panchakarma can help maintain eye health.

Does Diabetes Lead to Eye Floaters?

This condition is known as eye floaters, in which particles of debris or fibers float in the field of vision, which can actually be caused by diabetes. The damage to the retinal blood vessels brought on by diabetes increases the risk of bleeding and the development of scar tissue. The feeling of floaters in vision is caused by bleeding or leaking blood that is floating in the vitreous chamber of the eye.

One of the main causes of eye floaters is diabetes, which can be avoided by controlling blood sugar levels.

High Blood Sugar: Ayurvedic Remedies To Protect Vision During Diabetes

Serious eye damage from diabetes can be prevented by following a pitta-balancing diet and lifestyle, getting regular eye exams, controlling blood sugar levels, and consulting a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner.

In Ayurveda, various approaches to the treatment of diabetic retinopathy include:

– Treating the root cause of the disease, ie diabetes (diabetes)

Controlling leukopenia, which is a condition characterized by bleeding disorders

– Improve blood circulation in the eyes

– prevention of tissue damage

– Maintaining Samagni, which refers to a balanced digestive fire

– Using Deepan Digestive Medicines like Trikatu Churna and Chitrakadi to correct Manda Agni (weak digestion) at the tissue level

– Conduction of mild purgation and nasya for the purification of impurities in the srotas/capillaries

– Using basti for shodhana (cleansing) and shaman (palliative) treatment of vata dosha.

Administering Seca to improve blood vessel texture, repair endothelium, and prevent loss of pericytes, which is an early factor in DR development.

– Using Nasya, Shirodhara, Shirolepa and Shiro Picchu therapies for Vata mitigation treatments for the head and body and Pitta mitigation treatments for the eyes depending on the stage of diabetic retinopathy.

– Administering Takradhara and Netra Seka for both treatment and prevention, which helps in reducing stress and anxiety that lead to increased blood sugar levels.

– Using rasayana therapies, including rejuvenating yoga poses that provide deep healing.