Healthy diet: Identify fruits with high and low sugar content, know their benefits

Fruits are excellent sources of energy, nutrients, water, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. The natural sugar found in fruits is not a cause for concern. These natural sugars are not harmful to the body. However, even though fruit sugar is not a concern, it still counts in your daily caloric intake. Those who need to control blood sugar should know which fruits are high in sugar. Fruits with high sugar are being named for the convenience of diabetics and people looking to lose weight. Therefore, they should be consumed in moderation.

high sugar fruit

– Mango Mango is everyone’s favorite fruit. But one medium-sized fruit has a total of 45 grams of sugar. So if you are trying to lose weight, do not opt ​​for mango or reduce your sugar intake. Yes, you can enjoy a piece or two, but don’t eat more than that.

– Grape One cup of grapes contains 23 grams of sugar. You can cut it in half and eat it slowly to consume less sugar. You can chop and deep fry grapes to use in smoothies, shakes and oatmeal.

– Pear One medium-sized pear contains about 17 grams of sugar. If you’re trying to cut sugar, add a few chunks of yogurt or top your favorite salad instead of eating whole pears.

– banana- Banana is a treasure trove of energy. One medium-sized banana contains 14 grams of sugar. You can add half a banana to your morning oatmeal or mash a few pieces into your peanut butter sandwich.

low sugar fruits

– Guava A medium-sized guava contains 5 grams of sugar and 3 grams of fiber. To get more fiber, eat guava with the skins. You can also add it to your smoothies and eat or shake it without mixing it.

– Papaya There are six grams of sugar in one piece of papaya. You can enjoy it by squeezing a little lemon and sprinkling a little sea salt over it. You can also add it to your yogurt.

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