Health Ministry searching for candidates for the position of Suicide Registrar

The Civil Service Commission issued a public tender for a registrar role to oversee and improve suicide case monitoring at the Health Ministry.

This is the first time a role like this has been established within the Health Ministry. The position is open for candidates who are licensed doctors or nurses or those who have a doctorate in epidemiology or public health.

Doctors interested in the position must have two years of experience. Candidates with a doctorate must have two years of professional experience in analyzing medical data or epidemiological data.

The registrar’s duties will encompass identifying death notices lacking clear causes or with uncertain circumstances, probing cases of suspected suicide, engaging professionals, health bureaus, and medical centers in case reviews, updating Central Bureau of Statistics data, and devising methodologies to enhance monitoring of causes of death and suicide.

The registrar will also be tasked with preparing reports in the fields of practice and generating insights to improve the registration of causes of death and suicide.

Survivors of the Nova festival massacre speak at a debate at the Knesset. April 16, 2024. (credit: NOAM MOSHKOWITZ/KNESSET SPOKESPERSON)

A decision was made to create the position in 2022, but no progress was made in hiring someone to fill it or even in publishing a tender to fill it until now.

The Bishvil Hahayim association noted in a Facebook post about the position earlier this month that “this registrar will make it possible to provide a response during periods when there is an increase in suicides as well as preventing suicides in the future, through receiving data in real-time and not with a delay of several years as was the case until today.”

“This is a very significant role, which will be a critical factor in preventing suicide at the national level. This is very important news for Israeli society – a real life saver!” added Bishvil Hahayim.

Bids open for position until May 17

The position is open for applications until May 17th.

The mental healthcare system in Israel has suffered from a severe lack of resources, particularly after the events of October 7. There has been a significant increase in mental health issues amidst the aftermath of the massacre and ongoing war, which has resulted in a surge in requests for mental health support.