Gujarat: Two close people of Omicron infected person tested positive for Covid. Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: Two close contacts of Omicron variant positive patient Jamnagar Tested positive for Covid on Sunday. He is also suspected to be infected with the same type and admitted to an isolation ward of GG Hospital.
A 72 year old man, a man of Indian origin. returning from Zimbabwe On November 28, Saturday had tested positive for the Omicron variant. Other family members were tested negative last week, but a re-test of nine persons of his close contacts, of whom his wife (45) who had come with him from Zimbabwe, tested positive. His brother-in-law (35), a Jamnagar resident who had gone to pick up the couple at the Ahmedabad airport, also tested positive.
“They are close contacts of the Omicron type positive patient and we suspect that they are also infected with the same type. We have sent their samples for genome sequencing.” Vijay Kharadi Jamnagar Municipal Commissioner said.
Both these persons were asymptomatic. Other close contacts of the patients have been kept under observation and kept in isolation and the area has been declared as a micro containment zone.
