Good news for Tamil Nadu farmers! Union Bank of India to give loans for drones

Chennai: Farmers in Tamil Nadu will now get loans to buy drones which can be used for spraying fertilizers in agricultural fields.

A drone manufacturing startup backed by Anna University has developed an agriculture drone, DH-AG-HI or Aggregator Drone which is the only certified petrol engine-based hybrid drone that does not require frequent battery replacement. Each such agro drone will cost between Rs 10 to 12 lakh.

Loan for drones to farmers will be provided by Union Bank of India.

The central government is also promoting the drone eco-system to raise awareness on the support drones can provide to modern agriculture.

Subsidy schemes will be provided to farmers and agri-entrepreneurs to promote drones among the farming community of the state.

Tamil Nadu’s agriculture budget for the financial year 2022-23 stresses on the use of technology like drones, information technology and inclusion of key industries to ensure remunerative prices for farmers.

The state agriculture department is creating awareness about drone technology by providing adequate training on the use of drones.