Girlfriend’s small gift made a great painter: bold pictures of women and portraits of women doing prostitution; worth in crores

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  • Bold pictures made of women, pictures made of women who do prostitution, are now selling in crores

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Scotland’s famous 70-year-old painter Jack Vetriano is still accused of being ‘sexist’. The reason for this is that they make very bold paintings of women. Due to which he is also accused of objectifying women. But Jack doesn’t mind the charges against him. According to a report in ‘The Sunday Times’, Jack has said that ‘the biggest fans of his paintings are women’.

Women are featured prominently in Jack's paintings.

Women are featured prominently in Jack’s paintings.

‘Women love my paintings’

According to the report of ‘The Sunday Times’, Jack Vetriano says that women like his paintings. That’s why they don’t care what people say. Prostitution women are prominently shown in Jack’s paintings. Apart from this, the female body is also prominently depicted in his paintings.

In many of his paintings, young women are shown intimate with the elderly.

In many of his paintings, young women are shown intimate with the elderly.

Women are seen with elderly customers

Several paintings by Jacques Vettriano depict prostitution women accompanying their elderly client. Critics of Jack say that Jack shows himself in his paintings. Because he has been divorced from his wife and in many interviews, Jack has admitted to going to massage parlor and brothel. Jack has also said many times that ‘his paintings are his biography’.

Jack is 70 years old and currently lives in France.

Jack is 70 years old and currently lives in France.

Used to do mining work, painter made with girlfriend’s brush

Before becoming a painter, Jack worked with his father in the mining industry. At the age of 22, his girlfriend gifted him a brush and paint. After which Jack started doing amateur painting. Gradually it became his hobby. Later on, he became the most famous and ‘infamous’ painter of Europe.

Jack's most famous painting is 'The Singing Butler'.  Millions of copies of it have been sold.

Jack’s most famous painting is ‘The Singing Butler’. Millions of copies of it have been sold.

Paintings are sold in crores, buyers of duplicates are also in lakhs

Jack Vetriano is counted among the most expensive painters in the world. His famous painting ‘The Singing Butler’, made in 1992, was sold for Rs 6 crore in 2004. Duplicate copy of this painting

It has also been sold in lakhs. Although, despite being so popular with the general public, Jack is not given much attention by art critics. This is because Jack breaks the built-in assumptions in his paintings.

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