From online appointments to sanitization and mask stations, here’s how the fashion industry is taking safety measures amid Omicron’s scare

If 2020 taught us anything, it was to be safe first, trade later. In the wake of the situation, recently, label Sabyasachi put out a post which read: Sabyasachi stores across the country will be open for limited personal appointment only. Please contact us to book your appointment and find out more about our efforts to tackle the current COVID-19 situation. Keeping in mind the increasing number of cases, the health and safety of our community remains our top priority. We thank our customers, artisans and employees for their patience, support and understanding at this time (sic).”

Sabyasachi’s post regarding booking appointments. Photo: Instagram

While ensuring that the business and its people are in safe hands, fashion industry experts are also following safety measures at their workplaces. In the wake of the situation, fashion designers across the country talk about the precautionary measures they are following and how prepared they are if a lockdown is announced. Here’s what they had to say…

We request for vaccination certificate of our clients while making an appointment: Sarika Kakrania, Pink City Sarika

Sarika Kakrania says, We have vaccinated our entire team including our artisans.

COVID-19 has changed the way we work and we are following it to ensure the safety of our team, our craftsmen, our customers and everyone’s families. We meet our clients strictly on appointment basis and request for vaccination certificates of our clients at the time of appointment. There cannot be any compromise on cleanliness at entry and wearing of masks to ensure the safety of all. We have vaccinated our entire team including our artisans. We still work remotely with a lot of our team so that they can work from the safety of their workshops and homes and go out as little as necessary. We have prepared to the best of our ability as our business module has changed significantly over the past two years. Most of our business has gone online. So, even if there is a lockdown; Customers willing to make a purchase can place their order online; We can also process those orders with our teams working remotely. Business is very important for everyone to get through these difficult times, but security cannot and should not be compromised in the event of the spread of the Omicron variant.

We have also made masks and sanitization stations at the workplace: Sana Bareja

For Sana Bareja, the safety of its employees is a priority.

We have ensured that factory workers and workers are fully vaccinated with both doses. It is mandatory to wear a mask and sanitize the factory continuously. We have also made masks and sanitization stations in different parts of the workplace and always maintain social distancing. Like any other business, we are hoping that things go back to normal, and there will be no lockdown, but like last time, our top priority in case of lockdown would be the safety of all our employees.

Our employees are following safety measures to ensure the well being of our customers: Saloni Panwar, Gulabo Jaipur

Saloni Panwar says that we will take every necessary step to take care of ourselves and the people around us.

Ensuring safety measures at our factory and store was the first step. From using sanitizers, washing hands to wearing safety gloves, our employees are following safety measures to ensure the well being of our customers. Our staff is wearing masks while packing orders and attending to clients. We booked slots for each of our staff members so that they can get fully vaccinated. It is necessary to ensure safety at zero level. God forbid, if there is a lockdown, we are prepared for it this time, whether it is taking care of employees financially, or donating care packages to those who need them the most, we need to take care of ourselves. Will take every necessary step and the people around us.

We avoid unnecessary local and international travel: Bennu Sehgal

We ensure that face masks or tissues are easily available at the workplace, says Bennu Sehgal.

The surfaces of tables, desks and objects are wiped daily with a disinfectant, keeping the workplace clean and hygienic. Promoting thorough and regular hand washing by employees and customers, and sanitizing hand rub dispensers are placed at prominent places in the workshop. Ensuring that face masks or tissues are readily available at the workplace. Closed bins are kept for hygienic disposal of tissues. We also avoid unnecessary local and international travel.

Trial room is sanitized with fog machine after every trial: Abhinav Gupta and Isha Bhambri, House of Fate

It is mandatory for all their pieces to go through the sanitization process.

Knowing the current situation and going through the COVID19 pandemic, the brand understands the importance of taking precautions on a priority basis. All pieces are mandated to go through a sanitisation phase which includes dry-clean and further packaging in a separate room where the use of gloves and hourly cleaning of the room is mandatory. The pieces are then set aside for 24 hours and then shipped to the customer. Considering the pandemic situation, it is important for the Omicron version to start taking precautions in advance. The trial room of the store is sanitized after every trial with a fog machine containing sanitiser. The brand does not stock large consignments and believes in increasing the inventory when the sales increase. This reduces the risk of stockpiling in the event of a lockdown. We are grateful to have a customer we can trust so that we can go through all our thick and thin.

It is mandatory for all to wear masks and sanitize before entering the premises: Anushree Parekh

Parekh has asked the workers of the workshop to come on alternate days.

We as a brand are trying to protect our team, customers and everyone around us in the face of a sudden unexpected third wave. To avoid overcrowding, we are working on appointment basis only. Wearing of mask and sanitization is mandatory for all before entering the premises. We have also asked the workshop artisans to come on alternate days to avoid overcrowding and maintain social distancing. We have vaccinated our entire team and are hoping that these precautions and limits will keep them all safe.

We have ensured that every staff member gets double immunization: Drishti Doshi, Junipero

Doshi says, we are now ready even in case of lockdown.

Since the onset of COVID-19, we have ensured that our artisans as well as office workers always have their masks on while performing tasks during office hours. We have also ensured that every member of staff has been double immunized so far. Since we are primarily an eCommerce brand, we were able to operate without a single staff member during the lockdown till now, we have been fortunate in that way. So, we are still prepared even in case of lockdown as we have always taken all the safety measures as per the government policies and regulations. All staff members, as well as delivery partners, should maintain social distancing while performing tasks.

Team members will have to donate Rs 50 if found without masks: Abhishek Tibrewal, ABKASA

Tibrewal says that we will focus more on our online sales channel and our online store to reach the areas less affected by the pandemic.

We have started a fun game among our team members, where if anyone is found without a mask or wearing a mask under the nose, he will deposit Rs 50 in the donation box. The collected money will be used to buy medical supplies and will be distributed among their family members. Being our production unit in an industrial area, we were allowed to operate under certain restrictions and important precautionary guidelines in the earlier lockdown. We have started stocking the raw material and supplies required for each design as and when orders are received. We will focus more on our online sales channel and our online store to reach the least affected areas of the pandemic.

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