Former Miss Ukraine Recalls Harrowing Escape Experience With Her 7-Year-Old Son

Model and former Miss Ukraine Veronika Diduschenko recalled her harrowing experience recently fleeing the country with her 7-year-old son and warned that as the Russian military operation intensified in Ukraine, scared mothers and children in shelters were the worst. will be affected.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Didusenko, who was crowned Miss Ukraine in 2018, spoke about it during a Los Angeles press conference held with women’s rights lawyer Gloria Alled on Tuesday. “Some of the fighting cities are on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe, but they are not giving up,” she said.

Talking about her experience of escaping with her son from Ukraine on February 24, the day Russian military forces first marched into her country and headed for Kyiv, where she lived, Diduschenko recalled, “In the midst of the raid, we, along with thousands of other families, tried to exit the city in the midst of a huge traffic jam. Right above my head, dozens of Russian helicopters with soldiers were bombing a nearby airfield. “
The beauty pageant winner revealed that she had to travel to four other countries to reach the US and noted that millions of other Ukrainian mothers and children have been left in their native lands to face the crisis.
“At the moment, millions of Ukrainian babies and their mothers are trembling at every sound they hear in metro stations and shelters, and even more heartbreaking are those who are forced to give birth under such conditions,” Dydushenko said.
Although the former Miss Ukraine already had a visa to travel to the US, she explained that “it was heartbreaking” as she had to send her son to Switzerland before traveling to Los Angeles as part of her application at the US embassy. I had to leave with a friend. Was refused to secure an additional visa for his son in Luxembourg.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, during the press conference, Diduschenko urged the US and other Western powers to help his homeland against a Russian military campaign.
She continued, “The men in Ukraine need this help the most, because those who are under fire from Russian bombing are begging our allies to shut the skies over Ukraine. Unfortunately, those pleas It is falling on deaf ears in Washington and Europe.