Foreign Satellite Launching Mission: ISRO will launch 3 satellites of Singapore on Thursday, this is the 55th mission of PSLV rocket

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  • National
  • ISRO will launch 3 satellites of Singapore on Thursday, this is the 55th mission of PSLV rocket

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The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will launch three satellites from Singapore on Thursday. This mission was named PSLV-C53/DS-EO. Three satellites DS-EO, NeuSAR and Scub-1 of Nanyang Technological University of Singapore have been built in South Korea. The three satellites will be launched from the second launch pad of Sri Harikota at 6 pm on Thursday. The total weight of these three satellites is 522.8 kg.

Photograph of the PSLV rocket, the launch vehicle of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

Photograph of the PSLV rocket, the launch vehicle of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

PSLV’s 55th Mission
This is the 55th mission of ISRO’s PSLV rocket. PSLV has launched 345 satellites from 36 countries since 1999. PSLV was first test fired on 20 September 1993. It was successfully tested in October 1994. Its weight is 1710 kg. Chandrayaan-1 in 2008 and Mars Orbiter spacecraft in 2013 were also launched from this.

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