Foods That Can Help You with Thyroid Management

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of our neck below the Adam’s apple. This gland produces hormones that help in regulating our metabolism, growth and developmental activities. When there is an imbalance in thyroid hormones, it causes many problems, such as altered metabolism, prone to weight gain, bone and hair loss, a higher risk of developing heart disease, hormonal imbalance, celiac disease, and diabetes. This is commonly known as hypothyroidism, where our thyroid is not producing enough hormones, which leads to rapid weight gain.

Hypothyroidism can affect any age group, including infants and children. If you have an underactive thyroid, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Tiredness
  • Cold
  • constipation
  • swollen face and dry skin
  • increased cholesterol levels,
  • joint stiffness or pain
  • depression or impaired memory

While patients suffering from hypothyroidism often find it difficult to lose weight with the right dietary changes, it is not the final word on your weight and health, you can still work on your diet and lifestyle to shed those extra inches. can be reduced.

Focus on eating a balanced diet by controlling your portion sizes and balancing key nutrients through a variety of food groups Try to include the nutrients you need for your thyroid health through natural sources that can be found in your daily diet Like iodine, selenium, zinc rich foods are safe. , calcium and protein.

Edwina Raj, Head, Clinical Nutrition Dietetics, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore lists five foods you need for your thyroid function:

seeds and nuts

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium and zinc which help in better functioning of the thyroid. Additionally, chia and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of zinc and make a great snacking option. Binge eating which is common in such patients can be controlled through oilseeds and nuts which is also a viable option and helps in your weight loss.

Beans and Legumes

These rich sources of protein can improve your metabolism, provide a feeling of satiety (a feeling of fullness) and prevent you from gaining weight.


Thyroid patients looking to lose weight can consume egg yolk and white as it will enrich their body with zinc, selenium and protein, which are essential for weight loss and gain strong bones.


Consuming vegetables like tomatoes and capsicum can help thyroid patients lose weight as they are rich in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.

water and non-caffeinated beverages

Increasing your water intake can help you reduce flatulence, eliminate toxins from the body, regulate your hormones and promote the process of weight loss.

Read also: Food Trends for 2023: Sustainable Plant-Forwarded Diets, Foods for Sleep, and Healthy Snacks

The path to recovery from hypothyroidism is normal. As long as the patient adheres to the medication regime, there should be no complications. However, leaving it untreated can have drastic effects on your body, such as elevated cholesterol levels, later heart disease, infertility and osteoporosis. Several studies have also proved how overactive thyroid can lead to the onset of other autoimmune diseases like diabetes, arthritis and anemia. Hence, early diagnosis and proper management of the condition can help you avoid further complications.

Additionally, it is recommended that along with a healthy diet, patients do physical activities like yoga that stimulate and support their endocrine system and boost the supply of oxygen to their body, which will help their thyroid tremendously . Finally, avoiding alcohol and smoking may help patients improve their thyroid performance.

All of the above-mentioned foods should be reviewed by your clinical dietitian and endocrinologist before going overboard.

It is advised to pay close attention to foods that interfere with the absorption of your thyroid medication and therefore avoid eating immediately in the morning and later in the day, such as coffee, soy, papaya, grapefruit, and supplements containing fiber and calcium. Read the food labels of packaged foods and include iodized salt, sprouted millet, and avoid using non-iodized pink salt to maintain your thyroid health. Nutritional supplements containing chromium picolinate used for weight loss interfere with the absorption of thyroid medication. Limit foods high in goitrogens (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, millet, cassava, peanut oil, etc.), but avoiding them completely is not recommended because they may have other antioxidant or cancer-fighting properties. and contain essential nutrients.

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