Fierce fire in farmers’ huts: 3 huts and trolley swahs on the night of Diwali at Singhu border; Farmers stunned by the loud bang

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People running after the huts caught fire.  - Dainik Bhaskar

People running after the huts caught fire.

In protest against the new agricultural laws, the farmers’ huts on the Singhu border caught fire again on the night of Diwali. The fire spread through the farmers’ trolley and then spread to three huts. There was also a loud explosion in the midst of the arson. There was chaos all around after the fire. After getting information, the fire brigade vehicles reached the spot and after a lot of effort, the fire was brought under control. The cause of the fire is not yet known, but farmers are calling it a conspiracy.

On the night of Deepawali on the Singhu border, when the farmers were engaged in paying tribute by lighting two lamps to the names of the farmers killed in the agitation, a fire broke out in the farmers’ huts in front of the TDI Kundli. It is said that the incident of arson started from a trolley parked there, which was given the form of a tent. Then there was a loud explosion, which is being told that the tire of a cylinder or trolley burst. The farmers were shaken by the blast. Shortly after, the fire spread to nearby huts. These three huts are being told of farmers of village Chala Pala Lahsada district Nawanshahr Punjab. After the information of the fire, the farmers came out of the huts, but the goods filled in them were burnt to ashes.

Flames rising from the huts.

Flames rising from the huts.

electric current scared
Fire brigade vehicles reached the spot after receiving information about the arson. Earlier, farmers were also trying to control the fire. The wind was blowing strong and the farmers were worried that the fire might spread to other huts nearby. It could have caused a bigger accident. When the fire brigade personnel reached the spot and started water on the fire, the farmers got scared. Because the huts where the fire broke out, the electricity supply was on. In such a situation, there was a fear of getting electrocuted with water cannons. The fire brigade brought the fire under control after a lot of effort.

Second incident of arson in 20 days
Earlier on October 16, at 4 am, a fire broke out in the tents of farmers of Athira village in Kurukshetra, opposite TDI Mall. 3 people were sleeping in it. Hearing the noise, they came out. A fan, a cooler, a bike got burnt due to the arson. The fire was extinguished by the people nearby.

fire scorched person
There have been 7 incidents of arson on the Singhu border this year. Thankfully there was no major loss of life or property. On March 19, 2021, a cylinder caught fire at the border. Due to the fire, the tent and all the belongings kept in it were burnt to ashes. In an attempt to extinguish the fire, a farmer’s hands, feet and mouth were also burnt. After this, on July 23, three pandals of farmers caught fire. The fire caused damage to farmers’ houses built in two pandals and one trolley near the pandal of langar on the Kundli border. About one month’s ration, chairs, mattresses and many other items of dozens of farmers were burnt to ashes. The special thing is that within a span of 10 minutes, another pandal built after about 5 huts caught fire, due to which many things were burnt to ashes.

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