‘Feeling Wala Love’ amidst the terror of Naxalites: Music group of 6 friends composed a song in Halbi; His songs in Hindi-English and Chhattisgarhi also

Jagdalpur22 minutes ago

In the Sukma district of Chhattisgarh, the singing talent of the youth is also coming out amidst the sounds of bomb blasts. The youth of Naxal-affected areas are making music video albums in the regional dialect Halbi. The music video album of the youth is now getting a lot of love from the people. Recently 6 friends of Sukma have released the video album ‘Feeling Wala Love’ in Halbi dialect. He named it Bastaria Song. 50 thousand people have seen this video in just 2 days. Earlier, a Halbi Song released in December was seen by more than 4 million people.

Feeling Wala Love poster.

Feeling Wala Love poster.

Young Anurag and Vimal of this music group Daily newspaper In a conversation with Told that just a year ago, 6 friends together have formed AR Musical Group. All these youths are only 22-23 years old. One of them composes music and the other specializes in videography. Some act and some have dance talent. The youth told that many video albums are made in Hindi, English to Chhattisgarhi. But, they wanted to do something different. So he started making albums in Halbi. Which is now being liked by the people very much.

Feeling Wala Love' is a romantic song.

Feeling Wala Love’ is a romantic song.

The romantic song in Halbi Boli is ‘Feeling Wala Love’
Years ago, when films were made in regional dialect in Bastar, then such romantic songs were rarely made at that time. But now with the changing times the trend is also changing. In view of this, the youth have also made ‘Feeling Wala Love’ romantic song in Halbi. The youth had to work hard to write this song. Vimal, a resident of Naxal-affected village Chintalnar, is in the lead role. At the same time, he has also taken a girl from the city along in the song. Feeling love is on trend these days on social media too.

The youth said that they have to change the identity of the area.

The youth said that they have to change the identity of the area.

Change the identity of the area
The youth told that, Sukma district is identified only in the name of Naxalism. People have only heard the sound of bomb blasts here. Whenever people from other cities tell about Sukma or Bastar, only Naxalism comes in their mind. We now want to change this identity. Want to tell the country and the world that the talent here is also hidden. The youth said that Halbi Video Songs are being well-liked on social media platforms. The love I am getting from people is giving a different zeal to work.

Views on YouTube also started increasing.

Views on YouTube also started increasing.

earning from youtube
The youth told that not all the members of the team are financially capable. In the beginning, when the video album had to be shot, whatever was the cost for it, everyone would collect money together. But, now gradually the love of people increases and if the views in YouTube also start increasing, then a little income is earned. Due to which the cost of the new album goes out of this and some money is also saved.

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