Exercising too much can affect fertility of women, know how

Exercise helps to keep you fit and healthy. However, excessive consumption can also cause harmful effects, especially for women. A woman’s body can take limited stress, and exercising excessively can affect her reproductive health. According to a study, doing more than seven hours of aerobics a week can increase the risk of ovulation problems. However, exercising within limits, ie spending more than an hour a week and less than five hours a day, can improve fertility.

Women who are obese and facing infertility problems due to their weight can benefit from exercising more. However, for women who have a normal body mass index (BMI) or just one point higher, strenuous exercise can lead to infertility. According to a research titled ‘Maternal physical and sedentary activities about fertility outcomes after IVF’, exercising more can reduce the success rate of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) success rate.

Let’s take a look at some of the exercises that fall under the category of strenuous activities.

high intensity interval training

HIIT exercises consist of several high-intensity exercises that can be performed every 30 to 60 seconds. This includes paddles, sprints, squat jumps, etc.

power lifting

Powerlifting involves pulling hard loads to build strength. However, it is often said that women should not lift heavy weights as it puts pressure on their lower abdomen causing internal injury to the ovaries.

How does excessive exercise affect fertility?

If a woman is of normal weight and she exercises excessively or does strenuous activities, it can cause problems with impaired ovulation. This can cause luteal phase defects. The luteal phase is referred to as the time between ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

In this phase, progesterone levels are at a peak which allows the ovulated egg to join the lining of the uterus which helps in fertilization. However, due to the luteal phase defect, progesterone levels may decrease and affect the egg to implant properly, leading to infertility.

If you love to exercise, consult your gynecologist and get proper suggestions on the right time to spend on physical activities. You should also focus on exercises that are good for your reproductive health.

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