Excessive consumption of fruits can be harmful to these parts of the body

Fruits are considered a major source of water and nutrients and are also part of a healthy and balanced diet. Many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are present in fruits and they are also a great source of fiber. Certain fruits also help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and balance body weight. However, excessive consumption of fruits can be harmful to some parts of the body. It is recommended to eat 400 grams of fruit daily.

According to a recent excerpt in The Indian Express, the fructose found in most fruits has adverse effects on the body. It produces extra fat in the body. If its quantity increases then it affects many parts of the body. It can cause great harm to diabetic patients. Fructose is a type of natural sugar found in some fruits, vegetables, fruit juices, honey, etc. Fructose is mainly found in fruits like sugarcane, sugar beet, corn, apple, banana, grapes, pear, apricots.

Read below to know the harm caused by fruits to the body. Excessive consumption of fruits affects many organs of the body:


Excessive fructose in the body turns into fat. This excess fat accumulates in the liver, which can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD accounts for 20 percent of the world’s population each year. It is a common liver disease. Fructose is the main cause of this disease. Excessive consumption of fructose can also lead to liver inflammation.


Recent studies have shown that excessive fructose consumption can harm brain health. This leads to neuroinflammation, brain mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Excessive consumption of fructose over a long period of time can affect the ability of the brain to function.

According to reports, consuming too much fructose can lead to insulin resistance, increase obesity and can also affect heart health. Continuous consumption of fructose upsets the balance of the leptin hormone, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the body.

It also increases the amount of glucose. It increases the level of a fat called triglyceride in the body, which gets deposited in the liver.

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