Exam Stress: Ace Your Exams With These Motivational Audiobooks And Overcome Stress This Examination Season

Exam Stress: As the exam season approaches, it brings stress and unnecessary fear in the mind of every student. This time can be particularly challenging for students, as it brings immense anxiety and pressure to perform well.

These stress levels can interfere with one’s focus and health, ultimately affecting their academic performance. However, cracking good exams requires a balanced mix of discipline, time management, positive mindset and physical and mental fitness. To help with this, listen to this curated list of self-help and motivational audiobooks and podcasts on Audible to understand more about overcoming challenges, developing a positive mindset, and building resilience.

Here are 7 audiobooks and podcasts to crack exams and become flexible:

Exam Study Expert: Master Your Exams with the Wisdom of Science Written by William Wadsworth

Mere hard work is not enough to achieve the goals, this is the time smart work comes into the picture. Study effectively to get the grades of your dreams, with top winning review strategies, killer memory techniques and the best nerd tricks on your exams. Written and narrated by William Wadsworth, this audiobook is drawn from personal experiences and wisdom. Listen to it on Audible to learn about the secrets to achieving academic success as William and his special guest share their personal experiences in this podcast!

Focus Master, written by Miles Holland and narrated by Shafi

Focus Master is the ultimate guide to improving concentration and achieving your goals. This audiobook explains the importance of increasing your focus for improving your productivity and better understanding of information. It offers strategies to help you remove distractions and focus your attention, including topics such as the science of meditation and how meditation affects habits. Worth a listen if you want to learn the strategies you need for intense focus and achieving your goals!

Time Management (Hindi Version), written by Sudhir Dixit and narrated by: Rahul Jaisawat

What better way to plan for your exams than by setting a timetable for rigorous preparation and revision? Discover how to maximize your time by setting priorities, creating a productive schedule, and overcoming procrastination. You can also learn how to increase your energy level and productivity with good habits, proper eating habits, exercise, and sleep. This unique guide to time management details 30 strategies and tactics, along with tested methods, for achieving optimal productivity in 24 hours. Tune in to Audible to master the skill of time management and walk you on the road to success!

Do Epic Shit written and narrated by Ankur Wariku

Tune in to Audible to hear curated thoughts by Ankur Warikoo in his audiobook on success, failure, money, self-awareness and personal relationships, which includes his deep, honest, funny and poignant thoughts. Audiobooks cover topics ranging from critical habits to long-term success, foundations of money management, embracing failure, and learning empathy. An audiobook that’s worth more than one listen, its content will make sure you think about it over and over again and pass it on to friends and family!

Think Like a Monk, written and narrated by Jai Shetty

Inspired by his own experience as a Vedic monk, Jay Shetty demonstrates ways to overcome obstacles to realizing our full potential. Derived from ancient wisdom and personal encounters at the ashram. Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the peace and purpose that resides within all of us. Listen to this motivational audiobook on Audible as Jay turns his learnings into exercises we can all use to reduce stress, improve focus and improve our relationships, identify our hidden potentials, increase self-discipline, and much more. can apply for.

Vivekananda, written by Pranay and narrated by Ashish Bhandari

Vivekananda was a spiritual giant who spread the ancient knowledge of Hinduism throughout the world. This audiobook is a compilation of various talks, talks, writings and life events providing insight into some of the secrets of human excellence. It also explores the timeless values ​​of leadership and success that he stood for and presents them as practical principles that are relevant not only today but also for the future of mankind.

Self-Discipline, written and narrated by Steve Martin

Feel the need to break away from bad habits and take full control of your life? Self-discipline is the key to a successful, fulfilled and energetic life. Self-discipline expert and coach – Steve Martin lists steps to master self-discipline, strengthen willpower, and increase productivity in his enlightening audiobook. Even more interesting, this audiobook has practical self-discipline tips from Spartans and Navy Seals. Tune in to Audible now to develop a success-oriented mindset and live with purpose with the help of this audiobook!