Ex-Amazon employee claims she was fired for taking too many bathroom breaks – Times of India

There have been several reports highlighting heroine Being a ‘tough’ employer especially for those who work in the warehouses of the company. A report from Business Insider reveals that a warehouse worker was fired by Amazon for taking too many bathroom breaks.
Reportedly, Maria Iris Genitte Olivero claims to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, which means she has to go to the bathroom six times a day. Olivero claims that he told a manager about the condition last year and was asked to take a doctor’s note. The report said that the employee did not receive the note and his manager had given a warning in January 2021. She was given five days to receive the note, but according to her, she did not get the appointment for the next 6 days.
The manager wrote to him and five days later he was fired. The employee was told that he had been fired, so it was “too late” to deliver the doctor’s note.
Olivero is now suing Amazon for discriminating against someone with a disability. The employee filed a case in New Jersey Superior Court in June, seeking damages for her unfair dismissal. According to the report, Amazon “responded in U.S. District Court, attempting to pursue the case in federal court.”
Although the employee did not mention how much compensation she is seeking in damages, Amazon has said it was more than $75,000 — one reason the company wants to take the matter to federal court. Amazon explained in court how much it earned and the amount it lost since it was fired. Amazon claims that “the reported gross lost wages to date is $17,251.75.”


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