Endometriosis: What is it and how can women deal with it?

Endometriosis, also known as chocolate cyst, is a condition faced by women in which the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, outside the uterus, on the fallopian tubes, vagina, cervix or even on the bladder or rectum also increases. The condition can have many symptoms, but it takes about a decade to diagnose which worsens the quality of life of women. Symptoms include bloating, pain during or after intercourse, lower back pain, extremely problematic periods, excessive bleeding, fatigue, depression/anxiety and nausea.

Speaking to Hindustan Times, Dr. Sushruta Mokadam, Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Pune, talks about some lifestyle habits for women to help them improve their quality of life, fight inflammation and stay healthy while dealing with endometriosis. Tips shared.

Diet, exercise, sleep cycles and holistic treatment are the four major contributors to improving the lifestyle of a person with endometriosis. Dr. Mokadam suggests that diet modification can help greatly and some important foods are vegetables, grains, fiber, nuts, legumes and millets, flax and chia seeds, eggs and fish. However, processed foods, red meat, alcohol, high-fat foods, sugary foods and additives and foods containing monosodium should be avoided.

Walking, swimming, yoga and aerobics can go a long way in reducing the pain caused by inflammation. Apart from this, women should avoid doing any strenuous work.

It is important for someone with endometriosis to improve their sleep cycle and make sure they are getting enough sleep. If your sleep cycle is not healthy and this leads to irregular hormone secretion pattern then the endocrine system gets affected adversely. This in turn makes the condition worse resulting in increased swelling and hence pain. It is recommended to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night to help improve your lifestyle and reduce pain and hormonal imbalance.

Don’t stress yourself too much and stay positive. It helps with depression/anxiety caused due to endometriosis. Mental health is as important as physical health and maintaining both helps a person to improve their longevity.

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