Elon Musk shares the beautiful video of Apple headquarters’ premises from inside – Watch

New Delhi: Tech billionaire Elon Musk shared a video of Apple’s beautiful headquarters in Cupertino, California. He further said that he cleared up misconceptions about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store. Musk said that Apple CEO Tim Cook was never considering doing so.

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The video shared by Elon Musk was of the premises of the Apple headquarters. It was a lake on the Apple HQ campus.

“Good conversation. Among other things, we cleared up misunderstandings about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store. Tim was clear that Apple has never considered doing this,” Elon Musk tweeted on Wednesday. .

Twitter is cleaning up the platform

Earlier, Elon Musk informed that Twitter is purging the platform from spam and spam accounts. Hence, you can see a drop in the number of followers very soon.

“Twitter is removing a lot of spam/scam accounts right now, so you may see a drop in your follower count,” Musk said in a tweet.