Electric bus took 6 lives in Kanpur: High speed bus trampled 2 cars, 10 bikes, two e-rickshaws and passersby at Tatmil intersection, 8 in critical condition

Kanpur3 minutes ago

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The accident took place at Tatmill intersection, which is the busiest in Kanpur. Both the cars were badly damaged in the collision of the bus.

A heart-wrenching accident happened in Kanpur late on Sunday night. An electric bus rammed 17 vehicles at Tatmill intersection. 6 people died in the accident, while the condition of 9 is critical. Hitting the vehicles, the bus rammed into the dumper after hitting the traffic booth at the intersection. The police have admitted all the injured to Hallet Hospital. It is being told that the bus rammed into 2 cars, 10 bikes and scooties, 2 e-rickshaws and 3 tempos. Seeing the crowd gathering, the driver jumped from the bus and fled.

Both the cars were badly damaged in the collision of the bus. The occupants of the car were seriously injured. Some passers-by also came under the tires of the bus. 26-year-old Shubham Sonkar, 25-year-old Twinkle Sonkar, 25-year-old Arslan, who lived on Latush Road, Arslan, 24, and Ajit Kumar of Naubasta Keshav Nagar died in the accident.

passersby helped the injured
There was a stampede after the accident. People started running here and there. Immediately the police started relief and rescue operations by putting up barricades on the road. Damaged vehicles were being removed from the middle of the road. The CCTV cameras installed nearby were also damaged and broken after the collision of the bus. After the accident, people passing by helped the injured.

On the other hand, as soon as the news of the incident was received, the relatives of the injured reached the hospital to inquire about the well being of their acquaintances. After this a large crowd of people gathered there.

President expressed grief

President Ram Nath Kovind wrote on social media, ‘Deeply saddened by the news of many casualties in the bus accident in Kanpur. My deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in this incident. I wish the injured a speedy recovery.

After receiving the news of the accident, people reached the hospital to know the condition of the family members.

After receiving the news of the accident, people reached the hospital to know the condition of the family members.

In this accident, nine people including Dhankutti businessman Dinesh Shukla, his brother-in-law Rajesh Tripathi, Dinesh’s wife Aarti Anjali Mishra, sister Neelu Tripathi were injured. Dinesh was sitting in the car and Rajesh was driving it. All the family members including Dinesh have been admitted to Krishna Hospital.

Pratap Pal of Pratapgarh was going to Ghantaghar in temps. He had to catch a train to go home. Similarly, Amit Kumar and Saurabh of Sanigawan were going on a bike. When the e-bus hit the bike, both of them jumped and fell away.

The bodies of those who lost their lives in road accidents have been kept in the hospital.

The bodies of those who lost their lives in road accidents have been kept in the hospital.

Saurabh’s condition is said to be critical. Jitram, a resident of Jhakarkati, was going to the Ghantaghar. The bus also hit them. Amit sets up an egg cart. After closing the shop, Ghantaghar was going to eat food. Sunil, Shubham and Ramesh were on the same scooty. All three were returning from marriage.

Dinesh Tripathi, an eyewitness to the incident, told that everything was normal when he passed through Tatmill. All vehicles were moving in their lanes. After passing a little further, the e-bus was seen coming in the same lane in which people were going towards the clock tower. The bus was at a very high speed. The driver did not seem to care about anyone. After the accident, he increased the speed further. The bus was trampling and running. Some people were running behind the bus making a ruckus. There was shouting everywhere.

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