Efi Nave secures reversal of disqualification in Bar election

Efi Nave, the former head of the Israel Bar Association, will continue to participate in the lawyers’ group’s election after the Tel Aviv District Court on Monday overturned the disqualification of digital signatures of endorsement.

“I welcome the court’s decision to approve the signatures and dismiss the ridiculous and undemocratic attempt of my opponents to disqualify my candidature,” Nave said in a statement. “It was expected that those who claim to be fighting for democracy would act in a slightly more democratic manner.”

Nave’s election team said they filed the petition with the court following the election committee’s decision last Wednesday, which retroactively disqualified Nave.

Signature of support submitted for candidature

Five hundred and fifty signatures of support are required to run the bar leadership, and evidence was presented by attorney Doron Barzaleh that nev and other candidates Instead of handwritten signatures, digital signatures were collected.

An election committee tie was broken on the issue by the chairman of the panel, against the use of digital signatures. The move threatened to cut Nave’s run short.

Nev said, “There was an attempt to change the rules of the game after the game didn’t work for you.”

Nawe said the move against him was because he was mourning the death of his mother, who was cremated in Ashkelon on Friday. Nev claimed that she wanted to come to his campaign event next week.

other attempts have been made disqualify Nev from running for re-election, The Movement for Quality Government in Israel (MQG) sent a letter to the State Attorney’s office on 4 May asking for intervention.

The MQG claimed that the bar headed by Nave was ethically unacceptable, but the group’s ethics committee was unable to discuss the issue due to some members of the panel having been appointed by Nave himself.

When it emerged that Nave was disqualified on Wednesday, the MQG said that “Effie Nave should be disqualified primarily for being an offender and not for procedural matters.”

Nev’s career has been riddled with scandals. In 2022 he was convicted of robbing his accomplice in 2018 before customs border security at Ben-Gurion Airport. He did this to avoid complications with the divorce proceedings.

former bar president Resigned in 2019 when he was accused of promoting judicial candidates in exchange for sexual favors, but the case was dropped in 2021. The deputy state attorney said the case would not stand up in court because of the mixed motivations of Neve and his sexual partners.

Nave’s successor, Avi Himi, resigned in January following the revelation of his own sex-for-judgeship scandal. A female lawyer accused Himi of masturbating during a video call with her, when he sought her recommendation for judgeship.

Bar elections are to be held on June 6.