Earthquake: Tremors felt in Delhi-NCR, day after major jolts

Tremors in Delhi-NCR
Image source: Twitter Tremors in Delhi-NCR

Earthquake Update: Mild tremors measuring 2.7 on the Richter scale were felt in Delhi-NCR at around 4.42 pm on Wednesday. The earthquake comes a day after major tremors hit Delhi-NCR.

According to the National Center for Seismology, the affected location was West Delhi.

“Earthquake Magnitude: 2.7 occurred on 22-03-2023, 16:42:35 IST, Latitude: 28.66 & Long: 77.03, Depth: 5 km, Location: 17km WNW New Delhi, India,” tweeted the National Center for seismology.

tuesday night earthquake

People in Delhi-NCR felt strong tremors of earthquake at around 10.22 pm on Tuesday night. Its intensity was measured at 6.6 on the Richter scale. The epicenter of the earthquake was the Hindu Kush region in Afghanistan. There is no information about loss of life or property so far. According to the USGS, tremors were felt in Turkmenistan, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, China, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.

In many cities of India and Pakistan, people living in high-rise buildings came out of panic after strong tremors. People gather outside their apartments in Delhi-NCR after the tremors of the earthquake. Metro services in Delhi-NCR were suspended for hours as a precautionary measure.

Residents were stirred by panic

In some cities of Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, people were seen outside their homes with their relatives to avoid any untoward incident. When the earthquake hit the residential areas, there was a scream among the panic-stricken people. Social media was flooded with video clips showing the shock.

Soon after the tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR, cracks emerged in a building in Delhi’s Shakarpur, triggering panic among residents. The Delhi Fire Department was also called, following which fire engines were rushed to the spot, however, residents of the building confirmed to India TV that the building had been showing cracks since its construction.

The Delhi Fire Service said it appeared to be a well-intentioned call, and no tilt was found in the building.

what did the expert say

“As we know the Indo-Australian plate is colliding with the Eurasian plate and this release has happened in that region. The HKH region is very active seismologically. The reason why people in North West India and Delhi felt it for a relatively longer period of time is deeper. The depth of the fault is more than 150 km so first primary waves and then secondary waves were felt. Aftershocks are likely to happen now but they cannot be predicted”, said JL Gautam, head of office and scientist at the National Center for Seismology.

Read this also- Earthquake alert! Earthquake tremors were felt in many parts of Delhi, Noida, Punjab

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