Does Water Lower Glucose Levels In the Body? Experts Weigh In

Last Update: March 06, 2023, 11:20 AM IST

The Global Diabetes Community similarly claims that water does not contain carbs or calories.

The Global Diabetes Community similarly claims that water does not contain carbs or calories.

You can also try other water-based, low-sugar drinks like lemon water and coconut water.

A glass of water is nothing less than an ideal drink for diabetics. wondering why? Because it does not contain calories or carbohydrates. Studies over the years have confirmed that water consumption can help reduce glucose levels in the body. When the blood sugar level rises, drink a glass of water immediately. A rise in blood sugar is like an alarm for a diabetic patient for more hydration. And then the kidneys come in to help excrete urine.

Studies have proved that drinking plenty of water is beneficial for a patient with high blood sugar. Drinking water flushes out excess sugar or glucose from the body and blood. Remember that diabetic patients should not stay dehydrated for a long time as it can harm them. Apart from this, it can also increase the chances of having high blood sugar levels.

The Global Diabetes Community similarly claims that water does not contain carbs or calories. Many studies have shown that water can aid in the regulation of blood sugar and diabetic patients need more water. The logic behind this is simple – with the help of water, excess glucose can be removed from the blood. The risk of dehydration increases when the blood sugar level increases, to avoid which adequate amount of water should be consumed. You can maintain your kidney health by drinking plenty of water.

According to the European Food Safety Authority, women should drink at least 1.6 liters of water a day, while men should drink at least 2 litres. Also, liquids should be a part of the diet so that the body gets enough water. Another study found that consuming water at a moderate level can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and hyperglycemia. Especially, avoiding water during summer season or not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration which can lead to high glucose levels.

You can also try other water-based, low-sugar drinks like lemon water and coconut water. Also, you can try eating fruits like watermelon and oranges which contain a good amount of fiber and water.

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