Do you sit in the wrong posture while working? Know how it can affect your health

Correct posture can prevent back pain: Many offices have now adopted ‘Work from Home’ due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Those who sit in the office for hours are well aware of how much damage is done to the body by working continuously for 8 to 9 hours. Sitting in the same position for a long time often causes back and leg pain. In such a situation, it is very important that we have the right posture while working.

While working in the office, we sit on a special chair, which does not cause back pain. However, while working at home, we tend to sit in a simple chair, due to which many people complain of back pain. Work-from-home setups require work friendly chairs that provide the right lumbar support needed for comfort. While working at home, keep in mind that you do not sit on a plastic chair. Instead you should use an ergonomic and flexible chair while working.

According to experts, flexible chairs help in relaxing our brain by reducing the stress of the body while working. The ergonomics chair helps us to relax our back by assisting us to sit for long periods of time.

What is the correct way to sit on a chair?

While working out, you need to make sure that your back legs are always straight. Always sit down with both your feet on the ground. It has been seen that many people have a habit of raising the height of the chair and hanging their legs in the air while working. It is not right at all to do so. By doing this, there is more pressure on the waist bone, which causes more pain in the legs. Sitting in this position for a long time also has a bad effect on the eyes. Therefore, while working from home, take special care that you do your work by sitting in the right position.

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