Discount on Imran’s credibility: Pakistani PM and North Korean dictator Kim Jong in the list of those who snatch freedom of press, 37 such leaders in the world

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  • Imran Khan | Pakistan PM Imran Khan and North Korea Kim Jong Un included in RSF Press Freedom Predators List

Islamabad/New Delhi2 minutes ago

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Press watchdog Reporters Without Boundaries (RSF) has released a list of world leaders who ban press freedom. But, in this list, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un have been described as the robbers of press freedom. There are 17 new leaders in this list of 37 world leaders. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also been included in this list.

RSF said – army runs under the shadow of Imran
RSF said that under the shadow of Imran’s rule, the effect of the army on Pakistan is deeper. There is open censorship. There is an obstacle in the way of the news paper. Media institutions are threatened and asked to remove advertisements. Signals of TV channels are jammed. Ever since Imran became the Prime Minister, all this has started happening more and more.

The killing of Khagoshi shows barbarism, said to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
The RSF called the regime of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bin Salman oppressive. That said, methods of espionage and intimidation sometimes lead to kidnapping, torture and reaching levels that are difficult to even imagine. The murder of Jamal Khashoggi shows this oppressive and barbaric way.

Women leader in the list, Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam
Hong Kong’s administrative chief Carrie Lam has been written about her repressive methods including a digital security law introduced in 2018. Because of this law, more than 70 journalists and bloggers were prosecuted.

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