Indian singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh The Coachella music and arts festival in April is set to perform in 2023. The Instagram handle of the festival recently shared the lineup on their feed. The festival will be headlined by South Korean girl bands – Blackpink, Bad Bunny, Björk. As soon as the news of Diljit performing at the fest broke, fans expressed their excitement about their idol taking the stage. Diljit and Blackpink will perform on the second day of the festival.
In addition, the festival will also feature Pakistani singer Ali Sethi whose song from ‘Coke Studio’ – ‘Pasoori’ has become a viral sensation. Last year’s edition featured Harry Styles, Billie Eilish and The Weeknd, among many others, after the event was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Talking about Diljit’s acting front, the singer-composer was last seen in Jogi. The Punjabi film was released on Netflix. The film turns to a dark chapter in the dark history of independent India – the 1984 riots that followed the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The film is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, who has previously directed the film Salman Khan-starrer blockbuster ‘Sultan’.
Jogi unfolds a tale of resilient friendship and courage in times of adversity, set in 1984 Delhi. The film is a thrilling, emotional journey into the fighting spirit of three unified friends. The film also stars Mohammed. Zeeshan Ayyub in his third OTT project after courting controversy with his Shiva look in Prime Video shows ‘Tandav’ and ‘Bloody Brothers’.
Apart from this, the film will star Kumud Mishra, Hiten Tejwani and Amyra Dastur, and is produced by Himanshu Kishan Mehra and Ali Abbas Zafar.