Delhi: Queues Outside Liquor Shops like at the time of Demonetisation

Sale of Liquor in Delhi: After the implementation of the old excise policy in Delhi, now the way has been cleared to get liquor only at government shops.

On Saturday, as soon as Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia announced the withdrawal of the old liquor policy, the apprehensions of the liquor vendors have intensified.

To clear the old stock, liquor vendors started giving huge discounts. Long queues of people were seen outside liquor shops over the period of demonetisation.

Discount will last for one month

In fact, the Delhi government has been on the backfoot since the recommendation of a CBI inquiry into the allegations of alleged corruption in the new excise policy.

Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia had announced on Saturday that the old excise policy would be implemented in the national capital from Monday by abolishing the new excise policy, although now the new policy will continue till August i.e. the discount offer will continue.