Delhi Kanjhawala Death: From accident spot to investigation so far – read A to Z about Anjali’s hit and run case HERE

Full Story of Anjali Singh Kanjhawala Case: After the tragic death of 20-year-old girl Anjali in Sultanpuri area of ​​North West Delhi on the night of 31 December, serious questions are being raised on the response and initial investigation of the Delhi Police. According to the police, the girl riding a scooty met with an accident in Krishna Vihar area of ​​Sultanpuri. His body was trapped in the car and the body was found at Jaunta village under Kanjhawala police station, about 14 km from here. Hours after the incident became public, the Delhi Police in an official statement called it an accident and informed us about the arrest of five people in the car. A case of culpable homicide has been registered against all of them. Now the police say that the accused are not five but seven.

Kanjhawala accident: The full story

Zee News English tried to connect the events of the night of 31 December 2022 and the morning of 1 January 2013. According to the picture that has become clear so far, Anjali left the house in the evening itself and told her mother that she would return late at night. The last time he spoke to his mother was at 8.29 pm. It is seen in the footage of the hotel that Anjali had gone to the Oyo Hotel with another girl. According to CCTV footage and hotel staff, there was some argument between the two. In the footage, the girls are seen leaving the Oyo Hotel at 1.32 am. Anjali and another girl are seen on a scooty near the accident site at around 2 o’clock in the night. There is a distance of about two and a half kilometers between the Oyo Hotel and the spot. Meanwhile, the suspected Baleno car and the police PCR were seen near the spot.

In the CCTV footage, the accused are seen taking the vehicle from Kanjhawala towards Jaunta village. In the footage taken at 3.17 am, the suspected Baleno car is seen taking a U-turn. Now something was visible under it. Seeing the dead body under the Baleno car, the eyewitnesses made several PCR calls to the police. At around 3.30 pm, Anjali’s body fell from under the Baleno car at a U-turn, 13.1 km from the spot. After some time, the Kanjhawala police gets information about the dead body of the girl being found on the road.

At 4.51 pm, the car riders park the car in the parking lot of Sector-1 of Rohini, 14.5 km from the place where the body fell in Jaunti village. At 6:55 am, the police team reached the parking lot with the car. After about an hour and a half, the FSL team reaches the spot and collects forensic evidence from the car. According to eyewitnesses, the Delhi Police team conducted a thorough investigation there.

Kanjhawala case: accident site

According to the FIR, the incident is of Krishna Vihar area of ​​Sultanpuri police station. There were many such eyewitnesses who had seen the police picking up the scooty from there. People also saw some pieces of scooty-like thing lying at one place. The accident spot is 900 meters away from Sultanpuri police station. This street of Krishna Vihar is 190 meters long and has four CCTV cameras.

Delhi hit and run case: CCTV footage

Initially it was said that there is neither any CCTV footage nor any eyewitnesses of the incident. But later the investigators examined the footage from these 4 cameras and tried to piece together the sequence of events. The time stamp of these four CCTVs is different. Since all CCTVs have different time stamps and time lags, it cannot be said with certainty when and where the incident took place based on the time stamp of the footage. But the time stamp of the CCTV and the time given by the police matched. Accordingly, it can be assumed that the accident took place at 2:05 pm.

There is CCTV footage just before and after the accident in which two girls on a scooty and a Baleno car are seen leaving. But there is no such footage showing a car-scooty collision or accident. No such CCTV camera is visible on the spot, nor till the time of writing the news, no such footage has come to the fore, which has been spotted in the range of the camera. This is the reason why it is not clear how the accident happened and what happened immediately after that.

Delhi Horror: The Witness

On Tuesday, a young woman Nidhi came forward who claimed that she was driving a scooty at the time of the accident and was still silent due to fear. Nidhi claimed that the girl killed was her friend and she was trapped under the car after the scooty hit the car.

Delhi Kanjhawala case: Anjali’s friend claims

The statements and claims of Anjali’s friend Nidhi, who claimed to be the only eyewitness to the incident that took place on Tuesday, have now become a puzzle.

  • Nidhi lives at a distance of 300 meters from Sultanpuri police station and 1100 meters from the spot.
  • Nidhi lives alone in C-1 block of Sultanpuri. On Wednesday, she remained imprisoned in her house and did not talk to the media.
  • His father had died a long time ago. The neighbors do not know much about his work.
  • On the basis of conversation with the neighbors, it has come to know that she has been living alone for a long time.
  • Nidhi has claimed that she was very scared after the accident and had quietly returned to her home without telling anything to anyone.
  • He has claimed that due to fear, he did not tell anyone about this till two days after the incident.
  • In the CCTV footage, another girl is seen with Anjali outside Oyo Hotel and it is believed that she is Nidhi.
  • On the other hand, Anjali’s family says that they have no information about Nidhi, nor has she ever come to their house.
  • Delhi Police said on Thursday that ‘eyewitness fund has no relation with the accused. His statement has been recorded in the court, about which information cannot be given now.
  • Till now the picture of the events is clear.

Anjali Case Delhi: Why was the girl child not seen under the Baleno car near the crime scene?

CCTVs are not very clear. But even after watching the video frame by frame, there is no sign of any girl under the car. That is, if the girl was under the car at that time, she was framed in such a way that no part of her is visible, at least not in the footage. In the CCTV footage of the incident, the PCR van of the police is also visible on the spot at the exact time when the incident took place. The footage of this PCR van is being played on news channels and the question arises that if that van was around at the time of the accident then why the policemen present in this van did not take action at that time. According to the footage of the first CCTV out of the four CCTVs installed in this lane, exactly 30 seconds after the Baleno car enters this lane, the PCR car also enters the same lane. Another CCTV footage of the spot, which is about 20 meters ahead of the alleged accident site, also shows the PCR van, although it is not clear from the time stamp after how long the PCR passed. In the footage received so far, this PCR van of the police is not seen chasing the suspected Baleno.

In the press conference of Delhi Police on Thursday, it was said that ‘internal investigation is going on regarding the role of the police whether it is human error or error in process. Action will be taken on the basis of the result. However, the police are yet to admit any lapse on their part in the PCR. Police said, “The PCR saw the scooty on the spot. On the basis of the number, the police reached the house of its owner. On this basis, after the girl’s body was found, the police called her mother and got the body identified.

Kanjhawala Case Delhi: Investigation of Delhi Police so far

In the Kanjhawala case, the Delhi Police has given information about the investigation so far by holding a press conference on Thursday. Based on the investigation so far, what information has been given by Special CP of Delhi Police, Sagarpreet Hooda, let us know:

  • Two more people have been traced on the basis of CCTV. That means there are not five but seven accused.
  • The remaining two accused tried to hide the truth. Helped save criminals.
  • Delhi Police has arrested Ashutosh, the sixth accused in the case. It was Ashutosh’s car under which the deceased woman was dragged.
  • The eyewitness fund has nothing to do with the accused. His statement has been recorded, about which information cannot be given now.
  • Police is waiting for the forensic report
  • The final report of the postmortem is yet to come.
  • On the basis of call details, no previous connection has been found between the deceased Anjali and the accused.
  • The timing of CCTV is being scrutinised.
  • Tracing the last scene, the police have come to the conclusion that Nidhi is an important eyewitness in the case. His statement has been recorded in the court under 164 CrPC.
  • Police was not informed after the incident, it is also being investigated as to what was the reason for this.
  • So far this whole matter is not turning into a murder case. Section 302 (murder) cannot be imposed without concrete evidence. Based on the evidence so far, a case is made out under section 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder).
  • An internal inquiry is being conducted into the role of the police whether it was a human error or an error in procedure. Action will be taken on the basis of the result.
  • Based on the scooty found on the spot, the police reached its owner’s house. After that the dead body was found. No lapse has come to the fore from the police side so far.
  • After analyzing the remaining aspects, the police will soon file a charge sheet.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Police took all the six people into custody. The youths had borrowed this car from their friend living in Rohini Sector 1 saying it was an emergency. The medical board has not confirmed rape or sexual violence with Anjali in its postmortem report.