Dating Fatigue: 3 Out Of 10 Young Daters Disclosed That Limiting Screen Time Helps

Over 11,000 daters aged between 18 and 35 from Tier 1 and 2 cities took this survey and the results are fascinating

Over 11,000 daters aged between 18 and 35 from Tier 1 and 2 cities took this survey and the results are fascinating

3 out of 10 young daters reveal that limiting screen time helps with dating fatigue

If you’re feeling tired of finding someone, you might be experiencing dating fatigue. It can happen to anyone but generally, people who have been looking for love for a while are more sensitive to it than others. To give young daters a little more insight into the issue and how to deal with it, one dating app ran a survey, asking participants to share some tips for dealing with and overcoming dating fatigue. Over 11,000 daters between the ages of 18 and 35 participated in the survey from Tier 1 and 2 cities and the results are fascinating. 47% of QuackQuack users say dating fatigue can happen to anyone at any time, and the app can do little or nothing to help you, other than raising awareness; 6 out of 10 users say that daters need to take proactive steps to keep it under control.

Ravi Mittal, Founder & CEO, QuackQuack, says, “Currently, we have 23+ million users, and we see some of them dealing with dating fatigue from time to time. On our part, we recommend that our users learn from negative dating experiences rather than letting them define the entire dating process. Our surveys show that young daters measure themselves by what they’ve accomplished romantically, which leads to burnout when it’s not ideal. Young and mature users should understand that it’s okay to take a break.”

limited screen time

3 out of 10 young daters revealed that limiting screen time helps with dating fatigue. You browse with a goal in mind; find mail If this does not happen within the stipulated time, exit and come back the next day. These daters from metros and small towns say that aimlessly scrolling for hours, liking and passing people by, will only add to the exhaustion.

take a break

A series of bad dates can get anyone down. According to 27% of women between 25 and 30, the best way to resume dating is to take a break from dating; Whether you’re scooping up dates on apps or IRL, take a break. Constant bad results or repeated rejection can leave you feeling driven or exhausted to seek “the one.”

Don’t ignore the warning signs.

The app’s poll results revealed that 31% of daters from Tier 1 and 2 cities across all age groups disclosed feeling dating fatigue at one point in their dating journey; He reveals that feeling a strong desire to quit all forms of online or offline dating and associating negative emotions with the whole process are signs of dating fatigue that should not be ignored. Take a step back, and relax. According to 4 out of 9 daters on the app, ignoring the warning signs and leaving it unchecked could lower your chances of meeting.

understanding why and how

26% of male daters above 30 considered “identifying the reason behind fatigue” as the best way to treat it. Budding relationship Because you can’t see a future with the person, it’s important to figure out why you’re feeling exhausted in order to decide how to handle the situation.

self-doubt creeping up

31 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 28 say it can be a tough ask, but don’t doubt yourself. These women say that dating for a long time without seeing significant results can make you question your worth. Self-doubt can be one of the major reasons during the dating process.