Current COVID vaccines may be less effective against beta version: Study India News – Times of India

Boston: A study of spike proteins SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, suggests that current vaccines may be less effective against beta versions previously identified South Africa.
Present on the surface of SARS-COV-2, spike proteins enable the virus to attach to and enter our cells, and all existing vaccines are directed against them.
The study, published in the journal Science on June 24, used cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to compare the spike protein with beta variants from the original virus found in China in 2019. Alpha Version recognized in the UK for the first time.
Cryo-M is an imaging technique used to quantify biomolecular structures at near-atomic resolution.
The findings, led by researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital in the US, suggest that a mutation in the beta variant, also known as b.1.351, alters the shape of the spike surface at certain locations.
As a result, neutralizing antibodies induced by current vaccines are less able to bind to the beta virus, which may allow people to evade the immune system even if they are vaccinated.
“The mutations make existing vaccine-induced antibodies less effective,” Bing Chen said. molecular medicine In Boston Children’s.
“The beta version is somewhat resistant to existing vaccines, and we think a booster with the new genetic sequence may be beneficial to protect against this variant,” Chen said.
The researchers also found that mutations in the beta version make Spike less effective at binding ACE2 – This suggests that this version is less transmittable than the alpha version.
As for the alpha version (b.1.1.7), the study confirms that a genetic change in the spike helps the virus bind better to ACE2 receptors, making it more infectious. is.
However, tests indicate that antibodies elicited by existing vaccines may still neutralize this type, according to the researchers.
There is a greater risk, he said, for a SARS-CoV-2 variant would need to do three things: spread more easily, evade the immune system in people who have been vaccinated or previously exposed to COVID-19, and more Causing serious illness.
However, the researchers noted that the alpha and beta variants did not meet all of these criteria.
“Our data suggest that the most problematic combination of such mutations is not yet present in the existing variants investigated here,” he said.
The research team is now analyzing the structures of other forms of anxiety, including the delta variant first identified in India (b.1.617.2).


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