Current climate action targets are not enough to meet Paris’ goal to limit global warming, UN body pitches for upgrading NDCs. India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Analyzing the climate action commitments made by countries so far, the United Nations body on climate change said on Friday that collective pledges will help the world reach the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to less destructive levels. unless there is a collective target of emissions. The cut has been greatly improved.
Although the world will need to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25–45% from 2010 levels by 2030 to meet the Paris goal of limiting warming to 2 °C, or 1.5 °C, The current pledges of all countries together will, in fact, reduce emissions by only about 12% during this period.
In its synthesis report on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) stated, “Total global GHG emissions levels in 2030, taking into account the implementation of all the latest NDCs, are expected to be 16.3″. expected.% above 2010 levels.”
According to the latest IPCC findings, such an increase, unless immediate action is taken, could result in a temperature increase of about 2.7°C by the end of the century. “An increase of 16% is a great cause for concern. It is by science for rapid, sustained and massive emissions reductions to avert the most severe climate consequences and suffering, especially among the most vulnerable, as opposed to full-time world,” said Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC.
Ideally, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions need to drop by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero around 2050 to limit warming to 1.5 °C. Similarly to limit global warming to below 2 °C, emissions need to decrease by about 25% by 2030 from 2010 levels and reach net zero around 2070.
But, as the Synthesis report shows, the world is falling short of the level of ambition needed to avoid the worst climate consequences. This sends a clear signal to all countries to update their NDCs ahead of the 26th session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is scheduled to be held in Glasgow, UK in November.
“All other geopolitical issues will become irrelevant if we fail to address the existential challenge presented by climate change. COP26 is almost upon us and governments still have time to contribute more to the solutions needed,” it said. . Christiana Figueres, Co-Founder of Global Optimism and former Executive Secretary of UNFCCC.
NDCs are national climate plans in which countries communicate the actions they take to address climate change under the Paris Agreement. The synthesis report includes information on the Paris Agreement from all 191 member states based on their latest NDCs as of 30 July, including information on 86 updated or new NDCs submitted by 113 countries. New or updated NDCs cover approximately 59% of countries and account for about 49% of global GHG emissions.
“The report is clear: ambitious climate action can avoid the most devastating effects of climate change, but only if all nations act together. Nations that have submitted new and ambitious climate plans are already reducing emissions by 2030. But without action from all countries, especially the largest economies, these efforts risk going in vain. We can change the course of history for the better. can and should act for itself for generations”, said Alok Sharma, the incoming COP26 president.
The issue of updating the NDC will also dominate the discussion when world leaders meet outside the meeting. United Nations General Assembly (Youth) next week. “The brutal effects of climate change in every corner of the world should prompt leaders to take action at the United Nations General Assembly next week. We now need to deliver the tough plans by COP26, compliant with 1.5C, to all G20 countries,” said Laurence Tubiana, CEO, European Climate Foundation.
