Coronavirus risk: COVID-19 in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people: a comparative guide for who is more at risk

When it comes to vaccine hesitancy, it can stem from a number of things. Vaccine myths, rumours, doubts, and a growing number of breakthrough infections can all contribute to your pre-existing doubts against COVID vaccines.

Additionally, the side effects of the vaccine can also contribute to your trials and tribulations. Although this goes away in a day or two, the side effects from vaccines can take a toll. But it’s only a sign that the vaccines are working, triggering an immune response that helps you ward off future infections.

In comparison, COVID-19 infection can induce similar immune responses, leading to inflammation and adverse symptoms, which can sometimes escalate and become more severe.

That said, if you are still avoiding getting yourself vaccinated due to fear of side effects, which you may or may not experience, you should compare your risk of contracting a COVID infection to , which is more serious than experiencing side effects, for one. day or two.

Read more: Coronavirus: Are people vaccinated at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 infection?
