Coronavirus: Post-vaccination mistakes that put you at risk of reinfection The Times of India

While the second wave is finally coming to an end after weeks of destruction, it has resulted in the easing of restrictions in states across the country. However, the virus is still active and there are also reports of rising cases related to the upcoming third wave and Delta Plus version. Therefore, any form of complacency can be extremely costly if one is not careful and puts them at risk of contracting the coronavirus despite vaccination.

If you have been vaccinated, consider the demographics of the event, or the location you visit, before making a decision. According to expert guidance, outdoor gatherings are still safer than indoor spaces with less ventilation. Small gatherings, and more, being around people who have been vaccinated is encouraging.

Right now, travel is also something that may need to be reconsidered, especially internationally. While India is on the verge of recovery from the virus, the delta variant is now rapidly spreading to countries across the world and cases may increase. Therefore, it is important to travel with caution and practice safe measures.

Avoid traveling to or visiting high-risk places, or containment zones, with a history of spikes. If you must quarantine, limit your movement to a safe circle and do not take any measures lightly.


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