City Police Start Drive Against Private Moneylenders For Duping Borrowers | Surat News – Times of India

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Surat: City police have started a campaign against private financiers who end up torturing and duping their borrowers.
Cops have registered three offences in the crime branch and Amroli police station and arrested a total of nine accused.
Amroli police arrested six accused for allegedly torturing a couple who were driven to the point of taking their own lives. Victim Bhanu Parmar had approached the police on August 18 and submitted an application stating that a few people are torturing him and his wife demanding money.
Parmar told the police that he had borrowed money for the treatment of his son. He had also repaid the loan amount with interest but the accused were demanding more money claiming that the loan is still pending.
“When the police contacted the complainant, he sounded depressed over the phone. Cops visited him at his home and found that the Parmar couple were planning to commit suicide owing to the harassment,” said city police commissioner Ajay Tomar.
Following Parmar’s complaint, the police booked six accused. “The victim had initially borrowed Rs 3 lakh. To repay that amount he borrowed more money from others. That is how his loan amount increased over Rs 23 lakh,” said the police.
Parmar had already paid Rs 28 lakh to the moneylenders, but they were demanding more money after which he submitted an application to the police.
“Police registered offences in the crime branch and Amroli police station as part of the campaign against the financiers. People should come forward against these elements who trap people by lending money and later extort more than the loan amount,” said Tomar.


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