Chocolate based facial mask vs superfood facial mask – Times of India

A face mask is a great add-on to any skincare routine, to make the skin plump and spotless. Masks help hydrate the skin, remove excess oil and build-up that often leads to dullness and hyperpigmentation. Also, regular use of facial masks proves beneficial in keeping your skin surface clean and your pores closed.

Face masks stay on the skin for a comparatively longer time, allowing the ingredients to penetrate better. Be it salicylic acid for acne or vitamin C for fine lines, face masks offer a more concentrated formula because they contain ingredients in their intense form than other types of applications. As a result, it improves the quality and texture of the skin.

So, if your skin feels dewy or is in need of something like an instant glow and hydration boost, a face mask is the perfect and worthy choice.

We have been seeing different types of face masks which keep on evolving as per the latest trends. This tells us about the availability of many different types of facial masks that can be found in the market for the customers.

In this article, we will be discussing about chocolate-based and superfood facial masks respectively.

chocolate based facial mask

It is known that chocolate beans are highly loaded with polyphenols, catechins and flavonols. These are powerful antioxidants that help protect the skin while increasing blood flow, keeping the skin hydrated and maintaining its elasticity.

So, if you’ve been to a beauty salon recently, you might have noticed a chocolate facial treatment, which is definitely a trend. With many benefits, face masks are now being widely included in skin care regime by beauty experts to provide fresh, glowing and healthy skin.

Chocolate enables cell regeneration and also has anti-aging properties. It provides vitality to your face along with hydrating your skin and postponing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It is suitable for all skin types and is touted as the ideal approach to relax after a tiring week leaving your skin soft and flawless.

superfood facial mask

Superfood is a new concept that has emerged with the development of the skincare industry. The term is used to refer to functional foods with major nutritional value that have many benefits for protecting and building healthy skin that is smooth and has a moisture barrier.

Not only are there major skin-enhancing benefits when consumed with vitamins and nutrients, but it is also being used to prevent anti-aging when applied directly to the skin. Superfood masks are now widely known as a way to give your skin the right nutritional supplements.

Not only are superfoods derived from exotic and fabulous plants, but they can be as simple as honey, papaya, and green tea. Listed below are some fabulous and exotic superfoods that are beneficial for your skin health. So, let’s take a brief look at them individually.

CauliflowerIt is rich in vitamins C, A and K, which together help make the skin look more youthful. Vitamin C is exceptional for lightening the dull complexion of your skin, giving you a brighter skin tone.

Mountain Pepper BerryIt helps to reduce redness and swelling of the skin along with calming irritated skin and reviving dull complexion.

SpirulinaThis superfood proves to be helpful in giving your skin anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects.

avocadoBeing high in healthy fats, vitamins E, and C, avocado plays a major role in regaining the health and vitality of your skin. Some of the major skin benefits provided by avocado include faster skin repair, preventing skin damage from sunburns and inflammation, improving skin elasticity, etc.

How often should a face mask be used?

According to experts, most face masks should be used only once or twice a week. However, some skin types may benefit from using more frequently.

for dry skinIf you have dry skin, you can use a delicate and hydrating face mask about 1-2 times a week.

for oily skin: If your skin is oily and inflammation-prone, using a face mask once or twice a week is ideal.

for sensitive skin: If you have sensitive skin, you should be extra careful with face masks and ingredients. You should apply a hydrating face mask, which can be used every day or thrice a week. Stay away from any face cover that contains synthetic compounds and artificial fragrance.

Along with applying a face mask, there are several other important steps that require equal attention to complete your skincare regime. Contains:




Following these steps will help you achieve clear skin by removing impurities and excess oil leaving a base layer of hydration with smooth skin. The right way to really focus on your skin is mainly to know what exactly it is needed along with using a face mask with the right ingredients which can bring better and desired results.

Inputs: Aakriti Kundral, Brand Manager and Spokesperson, Hottest X.
