China’s new move on Ladakh border: deployed 25 fighter jets including J-20 and J-11; New airbase also being built

Ladakh20 minutes ago

China has deployed 25 fighter aircraft at Hotan Airport near the eastern Ladakh border. According to government sources, these include fighter jets like J-20 and J-11. Earlier, China used to keep aircraft like MiG-21 here. The Chinese Air Force is building new airfields close to Indian territory to allow low altitude missions.

The J-20 can cover a distance of 2100 km in an hour. The air distance from Hotan to Delhi is about 1000 kms. That is, it will take only half an hour to reach here. According to an India Today report, China has upgraded the airbases of Kashgar, Hotan and Ngari Gunsa, so that more troops can move in. Defense sources said that China has doubled the number of fighter planes in the border areas in the last few days.

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China is building a new bridge near Ladakh
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US general warns India on Chinese action
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So far, more than 12 meetings between the two countries are inconclusive.
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