BTS in the White House: Jungkook Fools Around; RM, Suga and V talk about Asian hate crime. photos, videos

BTS at the White House: Band talks about Asian hate crime

BTS at the White House: Band talks about Asian hate crime

BTS in the White House: K-pop superband BTS met with US President Joe Biden at the White House regarding combating the rise in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans. The Bangtan Boys, including RM, J-Hope Suga, Jungkook, V, Jin and Jimin, talked about how devastated they are by the recent rise in hate crimes. Wearing a black suit and tie, BTS looked like perfection and passionately talked about equality and respecting every culture and identity. Before the briefing, he visited the White House and later held an in-camera meeting with the President in the Oval Office.

BTS made its debut in 2013 and has been achieving unmatched success ever since. His meeting with US President Joe Biden is another golden feather in his cap. BTS leader RM (Rap Monster aka Kim Namjoon) started the band and Septet addressed the press, talking about the need to stop hate crimes against Asians.

India Tv - BTS meets US President Joe Biden at White House

Image Source: Instagram/tatablomoon7

BTS meets with US President Joe Biden at the White House

India Tv - BTS meets US President Joe Biden at White House

Image Source: Instagram/tatablomoon7

BTS meets with US President Joe Biden at the White House

“We were devastated by the recent surge in hate crimes, including Asian American hate crimes. We would like to take this opportunity to voice ourselves once again in putting a stop to this and supporting this cause,” Jimin said.

Suga said, “It’s not wrong to be different. I think equality begins when we open up and embrace all of our differences.”

V aka Kim Taehyung further said that everyone has their own history and encouraged everyone to respect and understand each as a ‘valued individual’.

J-Hope said, “We are here once again to thank our military, our fans around the world who have different nationalities and cultures and use different languages. We are truly and forever grateful. “

The group’s youngest member, Jungkook, said, “We are still surprised that music created by South Korean artists reaches so many people around the world, crossing language and cultural barriers. We believe That music is always a wonderful and wonderful amalgamation of all things.”

Meanwhile, dozens of BTS fans gathered at the White House hoping to catch a glimpse of the K-pop band. It looked like the septet was ready for a pop concert. There’s no denying that the BTS-mania is booming in the world. The South Korean band is not only famous for their songs, but fans also respect and love them for the message they convey. BTS songs are loaded with lyrics encouraging self-love, unity, love for each, among many other themes.