Blast in Jammu: 2 blasts within 5 minutes in the technical area of ​​Air Force Station, 2 drones were used for the blast; 2 air force personnel injured

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Jammu5 minutes ago

Two Air Force personnel have suffered minor injuries due to the explosion near the technical area of ​​Jammu Air Force Station. According to news agency ANI, two blasts took place here at an interval of 5 minutes. The first blast took place on the roof of the campus building and the second below. According to ANI sources, two drones were used to carry out the blast. The attackers have not been located, but it is suspected that they were targeted by aircraft parked in the blast area.

The explosion caused panic in the surrounding areas.

The explosion caused panic in the surrounding areas.

Airforce high level team will investigate
The sound of the explosion was heard far away. The incident happened at around 1.45 pm on Saturday. Where this incident took place, there is also the station headquarters of the Indian Air Force. The main airport of Jammu also comes under this campus. Officials of the Air Force, Navy and Jammu and Kashmir Police reached the spot and took stock of the situation. A high level team of the Indian Air Force will investigate the incident.

Defense Minister inquired about the situation
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh spoke to Vice Air Chief Air Marshal HS Arora regarding the incident at Air Force Station, Jammu. According to the Defense Minister’s Office, Air Marshal Vikram Singh is reaching Jammu to take stock of the situation.

no damage to any equipment
On the matter, the Indian Air Force says that two low-intensity explosions have been reported on Sunday. One explosion caused minor damage to the roof of the building while the other exploded in an open area. There was no damage to any equipment. Investigation is going on.

One terrorist arrested from Jammu
On the other hand, Jammu and Kashmir Police has got a big success. Police has arrested a terrorist from Narwal area. 5 kg IED has been recovered from him. The investigation is still on.

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