Biden reaffirms ‘friendship, commitment to Israel’s security’

Washington – US President Joe Biden issued a statement on Tuesday celebrating Israel’s 75th Independence Day. The president wrote, “On behalf of the people of the United States of America, I extend my best wishes to the people of Israel as they celebrate 75 years of statehood.”

What did he say?

“When David Ben-Gurion declared Israel’s independence in 1948, he proclaimed the birth of a state ‘based on freedom, justice and peace’.” Exactly 11 minutes later, President Truman announced that United States of america will be the first nation to recognize the government of Israel,” Biden’s reads the statement. “Today, we are still proud to count Israel among its first friends and allies. And the United States recognizes the resilience of Israel’s democracy – the foundation for our strong and special relationship.”

He added that “as a lifelong friend and supporter of the State of Israel, I have worked throughout my career to deepen and strengthen our partnership.”

“And I have seen firsthand that both of our nations have benefited,” he continued. “Together, we have achieved remarkable advances in science, medicine and technology that will benefit our people for generations to come. We continue to work together to build a more prosperous, peaceful and unified Middle East. As leaders, we are working together to build new alliances to address 21st century challenges such as climate change and global health.”

US President Joe Biden remarks during the January 6, 2021, celebration of two years of the attack on the US Capitol in the East Room of the White House in Washington, US, January 6, 2023. (Credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE)

Biden noted that as we mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, “we reaffirm our abiding friendship and commitment to Israel’s security.”

He used the Hebrew words for “Happy Independence Day” as “Yom hatzmaut samech!” He ended his message by wishing