Biden meets US civil rights groups to fight voting restrictions – Times of India

Washington: President Joe Biden Democrats want a strategy to bring voters into the polls despite restrictive rules passed by Republican-led legislatures in some US states as they clash with civil rights groups on Thursday.
Biden and Vice President Kamala harrisare hosting leaders of organizations, including NAACP To “discuss the fight to protect the constitutional right to vote”, white House said in a statement.
Biden’s fellow Democrats have struggled to fight voting restrictions alongside civil rights groups, including Georgia’s ban on providing food or water to voters in long lines and Florida’s measures giving more power to partisan election observers. measures are included. These measures could hinder voting efforts by black, Latino and young voters who have helped elect Democrats.
NAACP President Derrick Johnson, attending the meeting with Joe Biden, said, “Democracy is under attack in states across the country, and we must protect the most fundamental and sacred right of the American people, the right to vote. should work very quickly.” An emailed statement.
Harris, appointed to lead administration work on voting rights, will announce an extension democratic national committee According to an official familiar with the matter, voter mobilization campaign. she was ready to speak historically Black Howard University in the noon.
last month, managing committee Republicans blocked the Democratic-backed national election reform bill, which would have expanded opportunities to vote before election day, made some campaign contributions more transparent, and improved the process of delineating congressional districts. Republicans said it violated the right of states to set their own election laws.


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