Amit Shah’s cooperative ministry hopes to open more doors in Maharashtra, other states

With the creation of the Ministry of Cooperation and giving the Union Home Minister Amit Shah The additional charge, seems to have opened new doors in politics by the Modi government focusing on Maharashtra. It will be interesting to see how Shah will handle the ministry, given his vast experience in Gujarat’s cooperatives.

a new chapter

Shah is often called the Chanakya of Indian politics, the troubleshooter of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). As party president from 2014 to 2019, Shah was instrumental in helping the party win maximum seats in any election. Now he will start a new chapter in cooperation. As a veteran cooperative leader from Gujarat, Shah has a vast experience of handling crises at the grassroots level.

Cooperatives in Gujarat

Maharashtra was one of the pioneers of the cooperative movement in India between 1960 and 1980. Today, the dominance of cooperatives is seen more in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka than in any other state. The Modi-Shah duo’s strong experience in cooperative politics was perhaps the reason why a separate ministry was created.

focus on maharashtra

Cooperative societies have a strong foundation in Maharashtra and they play a huge role in the politics of the state. Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar has a deep influence on the cooperative sector.

In the 2019 state assembly elections, when no party got an absolute majority, tensions were evident between the BJP, Congress, Shiv Sena and NCP. Shah’s intention to form a BJP-led government was not supported by Pawar. Thus, with the new cooperative ministry, Shah could bring a major impact in Maharashtra politics.

Shah’s experience in cooperatives and as the former chairman of Ahmedabad District Cooperative Bank can be a game changer for Maharashtra and other states.

promote cooperation in the country

BJP MLA from Gujarat Ramanbhai Patel said that Shah’s experience will encourage cooperatives in the country, which will also benefit the farmers.

Meanwhile, Gujarat Congress spokesperson Jairaj Singh said that the state’s cooperative organizations are under the influence of the government. But Congress has also contributed a lot to cooperatives in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.

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