Bhaskar IT raids: Income Tax Department refutes allegations of taking editorial calls during searches

New Delhi: The Income Tax Department, which has conducted raids against media group Dainik Bhaskar in several cities over alleged tax evasion, on Thursday dismissed allegations that officials were suggesting changes in stories during searches of offices of a certain publication and editorial decisions. were taking.

“Some allegations have surfaced in certain sections of the media that officials of the IT department were suggesting changes in stories and taking editorial decisions during searches of the offices of a certain publication. These allegations are absolutely false and are categorically denied by the IT department,” Income Tax India posted on Twitter.

In another tweet, Income Tax India said, “In keeping with the protocol of the department, the investigation team only examined the financial transactions of the group related to tax evasion.

Reading: IT raids on Dainik Bhaskar, Bharat News: Govt responds to criticism by saying ‘no interference’

Income Tax India also refuted the claims of Dainik Bhaskar editor Om Gaur that the raids were a clear attempt to suppress independent journalism.

“As per his interview to the media Mr. Om Gaur is in Lucknow. It is emphasized that the Lucknow office of the publication was not searched by the Income Tax team. Mr. Om Gaur was not even interrogated. The allegations have no basis and in fact seem highly motivated,” Income Tax India said in a series of tweets.

Amid allegations by opposition parties over income tax raids on media groups Dainik Bhaskar and Bharat Samachar, the government on Thursday said the agencies carry out their work independently without interference.


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