Bahu Aishwarya does not want to leave Lalu family

Patna3 minutes ago

Counseling was held in Patna High Court on Tuesday in the dispute case of Lalu Yadav’s elder son Tej Pratap Yadav and his wife Aishwarya Rai. In the designed chamber, Justice Ashutosh Kumar persuaded the two to live together. However, there could be no advance between the two.

According to the information received by Bhaskar, Aishwarya agreed to stay with Tej Pratap inside the court. That means he is not ready to leave. At the same time, when the court asked Tej Pratap on this, he refused straight away. After this a committee consisting of counsel for both the sides was formed. Which will give its report in the court within two weeks.

Let me tell you, Lalu’s eldest son has filed for divorce in the court. After this, Rai had urged the High Court to make a correct assessment of his assets and income.

Aishwarya arrived with father, Tej Pratap with mother
Aishwarya reached the court with her father Chandrika Rai in a black and gray color saree at 2 pm. At the same time, Tej Pratap came with his mother Rabri Devi in ​​a maroon color T-shirt and blue jeans. Both looked at each other but no one took a single step towards each other.

The marriage took place on 12 May 2018 with great pomp.  (file photo)

The marriage took place on 12 May 2018 with great pomp. (file photo)

On July 4, both the families will meet at Patna Zoo Guest House.
Senior advocates Jagannath Singh and Gajendra Yadav said, “The court has asked Aishwarya Rai’s lawyer P.N. A committee of Jagannath Singh, the lawyer of Shahi and Tej Pratap, has been formed. Which will submit its report within two weeks. The court has said that on July 4, talk to the family of both of them at the guest house of Patna Zoo and what do they want?, also know.

Also, instructions have been given not to include Tej Pratap and Aishwarya in this meeting. Only the guardians of both will remain. After discussing with the Guardian on both sides, full information will be given to the High Court on July 19.

Both did not make any statement in the media
After about 45 minutes of court counseling, both came out of the court, but were seen avoiding the media. No statement given. Both left in their respective cars.

The wedding took place with pomp in 2018
Chandrika Rai’s daughter Aishwarya Rai was married to Tej Pratap Yadav with pomp on 12 May 2018. All the big leaders attended it and blessed the bride and groom. After a few months of marriage, one day Tej Pratap suddenly filed a divorce application in the family court of Patna.

This news had shocked everyone. His decision had created a stir in the political corridors. During this, both made many serious allegations against each other. There was high voltage drama on the road. Once Aishwarya had made a lot of allegations against the Lalu family, crying in front of the media.

Aishwarya Rai came out of Rabri's house crying.  (file photo)

Aishwarya Rai came out of Rabri’s house crying. (file photo)

There were also allegations against mother-in-law
Aishwarya had said that her mother-in-law Rabri Devi had committed a lot of atrocities for dowry. Sisters used to taunt. Aishwarya had filed a domestic violence case against Rabri Devi, Misa Bharti and Tej Pratap. After this, the RJD leader also defended Rabri Devi and filed a case against Aishwarya for assaulting her mother-in-law. At present, the divorce case of both is going on in the court.

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