Athawale became Tharoor’s English teacher: Shashi pulled Ramdas’s leg by tweeting a photo of the budget session, Athawale corrected his mistakes in English

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  • Shashi Tharoor Bad English | Ramdas Athawale On Congress MP English Vocabulary

New DelhiOne hour ago

Union Minister Ramdas Athawale has started a class on Congress MP Shashi Tharoor’s writing in English. Actually, Tharoor had taken a jibe at Athawale by sharing a picture of the budget session on Twitter, on which Athawale has advised Tharoor to write English properly. Tharoor is always in the news for his writing and speaking English on social media.

Tharoor made a mistake in writing the tweet
Shashi Tharoor took a jibe at the budget by sharing a picture of Ramdas Athawale on Twitter after delivering his speech in the Lok Sabha. Tharoor wrote that after the speech on the budget for about two hours, the picture of Minister Ramdas Athawale is speaking everything. He wrote that seeing the picture, you must have understood that even the minister did not understand the budget. However, Tharoor misspelled the budget in this tweet.

At the same time, Athawale replied that Shashi Tharoor ji, there are many mistakes in your tweet. For example, instead of Bydgut and Rely, there will be Budget and Reply. This tweet of Athawale has now become a topic of discussion in social media.

Tharoor is in discussion about writing difficult English words
Shashi Tharoor is one of the first leaders to come on Twitter in the country. Tharoor has been in the news several times for writing difficult English words. While attacking the Yogi government, Tharoor had used the word Allodoxaphobia (meaning – unnecessary fear of thoughts). People started finding this word of Tharoor in the dictionary. However, later he himself explained its meaning. Apart from this, Tharoor has also come in the discussion about writing the words farrago (confused mixture) and troglodyte.

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