Are you creative or rational? Tell me if you want to know if the horse is moving forward or backward

Various types of videos, games, tricks are going viral on social media. It claims that depending on certain conditions different features of your brain, character etc can be highlighted.

Have you ever seen a color on a garment as a condition? Sometimes there is a condition, ‘The first word that comes to mind is your thoughts.

One such video has gone viral on social media. Many people are sharing this video on Twitter. It depicts a horse walking. This video made in graphics is the real puzzle.

Question: Is the horse moving forward or backward? tell me what you think! Actually there are reasons behind this. That being said, if you feel the horse moving, it means that your left brain is more active. This means that you are rational, analytical and information-oriented.

Again if you see that the horse is retreating, it means that your right brain is relatively more active. It means that you are a person of free thinking. You are creative and do whatever you want with your heart.

watch the video:

Various types of videos, games, tricks are going viral on social media. It claims that depending on certain conditions different features of your brain, character etc can be highlighted.

Have you ever seen a color on a garment as a condition? Sometimes there is a condition, ‘The first word you see is your thoughts.’

One such video has gone viral on social media. Many people are sharing this video on Twitter. It depicts a horse walking. This video made in graphics is the real puzzle.

Question: Is the horse moving forward or backward? tell me what you think! Actually there are reasons behind this. That being said, if you feel the horse moving, it means that your left brain is more active. This means that you are rational, analytical and information-oriented.

Again if you see that the horse is retreating, it means that your right brain is relatively more active. It means that you are a person of free thinking. You are creative and do whatever you want with your heart.

watch the video:


Although such a claim has been made in the video, there are doubts about its veracity. But what’s the harm in checking out the fun?

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